Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - 39S

bone formation were well visualized. However, CTA findings were not related to clinical outcomes.
Foot & Ankle International, 38(S1)
DOI: 10.1177/1071100717S00034
©The Author(s) 2017

Weightbearing CT Analysis of Hindfoot
Alignment in Chronic Lateral Ankle
Instability: A Multivariate Analysis of
124 Feet
Francois Lintz, MD, Alessio Bernasconi, MD,
Nazim Mehdi, MD, Cesar de Cesar Netto, MD,
PhD, Louise Baschet, MSc, Martinus Richter, MD,

.0002) were significant in the univariate analysis. The mean
FAO was respectively -1.40 (SD: 5.50) and 3.56 (SD: 5.31)
with and without a history of CAI. No significant difference
of age or BMI was shown. After verification of log-linearity
between odds of CAI and FAO, the multivariate logistic
regression adjusted for gender demonstrated a 15% increase
of odds of CAI per unit increase of varus (adjusted Odds Ratio
(CI95%): 0.858 (0.771-0.943) p=0.003), and no more significant effect of gender after adjustment on FAO (Odds ratio
(CI95%) Female versus Male: 0.548 (0.185-1.669) p=0.277).
Conclusion: A positive linear relationship was found between
Varus Hindfoot Alignment measured using a semi-automatic
tool in WBCT and the odds ratio for Chronic Ankle Instability,
thus confirming and quantifying previous findings. The recent
development of semi-automatic measurements and prospective databases opens future perspectives for big data and multivariate analysis in foot and ankle pathology.

Category: Ankle, Hindfoot, Imaging, Ankle Instability
Keywords: ankle instability, foot ankle offset, hindfoot
alignment, weight bearing CT, 3D biometrics
Introduction/Purpose: Varus hindfoot deformity may
increase the risk of chronic ankle instability (CAI).
Weightbearing CT (WBCT) semi-automated measurements
and built-in databases may contribute to investigate the relationship between clinical and radiographic data. The objective of this study was to analyze hindfoot alignment (HA) in
relation with CAI in a series of patients using these new tools.
We hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation
between a varus morphotype and a history of CAI.
Methods: This is a Level 3 retrospective comparative study
of a continuous series of 124 feet (63 patients) referred from
July to December 2016. and subsequently assessed by WBCT
(PedCAT®, CurveBeam LLC). The measurement software
(Talas ®,Curvebeam LLC), gave HA as a value of Foot and
Ankle Offset (FAO). This measures the offset between the
center of the ankle joint and the median line of the foot joining the centers of the calcaneus and forefoot weight bearing
surfaces. Data was prospectively saved in a database
(CubeView®, CurveBeam, PA, USA). The definition of CAI
was a history of at least 3 ankle sprains during a 6 months
period. Exclusion criteria were medial instability and syndesmotic injuries (2 cases).A univariate analysis was conducted
to study CAI against the following variables: gender (Fisher),
BMI and FAO (Kurskal-Wallis). The significant variables
were subsequently included in a multivariate logistic model.
Results: Nineteen feet had CAI, in 12 patients. Gender
(p=0.0467 -the proportion of women for patients with CAI
was 72.3%, compared to 33.3% without CAI) and FAO (p=0
AOFAS Annual Meeting 2017

Foot & Ankle International, 38(S1)
DOI: 10.1177/1071100717S00035
©The Author(s) 2017

Exaggerated Pre-Operative Patient
Reported Visual Analog Pain Scale,
A Retrospective Review of 201
Consecutive Surgical Patients
Kevin Martin, DO, Laura Dawson, DO, Kenneth
Cameron, PhD, Jeffrey Van Buren, DO
Category: Patient Reported Outcomes
Keywords: visual analog scale, pain score, patient reported


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement

TOC Page 4 + Verso
Editorial Board
President's Introduction
AOFAS Annual Meeting Abstracts 2017
AOFAS Annual Meeting Abstracts 2017
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - CT1
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - CT2
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - Cover1
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - Cover2
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - i
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - TOC 1
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - iii
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - TOC 2
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - 1A
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - 1B
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - v
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - TOC 3
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - vii
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - TOC Page 4 + Verso
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - Editorial Board
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - x
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - President's Introduction
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - AOFAS Annual Meeting Abstracts 2017
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - 3S
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - 4S
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - 5S
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - 6S
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Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - AOFAS Annual Meeting Abstracts 2017
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Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - Cover3
Foot & Ankle International - 2017 FAI Supplement - Cover4