Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 727


HPXXXX10.1177/0018578717737135Hospital PharmacyVan Rossum and Holsopple

Letter to the Editor

Response to Letter to the Editor on
"Enzyme Replacement or Substrate
Reduction? A Review of Gaucher
Disease Treatment Options"

Hospital Pharmacy
2017, Vol. 52(11) 727-728
© The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0018578717737135

Alison Van Rossum1 and Megan Holsopple2
We appreciate the comments by Ibrahim and Call on our article "Enzyme Replacement or Substrate Reduction? A Review
of Gaucher Disease Treatment Options," particularly regarding information published since our article was originally
written such as the extension study of the ENCORE trial.
In the ENCORE extension study, 147 patients with
Gaucher disease type 1 were either continued on eliglustat
(received up to 4.5 years of eliglustat therapy) or transitioned
from imiglucerase to eliglustat (received 2 years of eliglustat
therapy). At the end of the study, ≥85% of patients maintained stable hematologic and organ volume values compared with baseline (pre-eliglustat) values. Adverse events
were recorded in 94% of patients; the majority of the reported
adverse events were considered mild (74%), and 8% of
patients withdrew due to treatment-related adverse effects.1
The ENGAGE trial was originally excluded because the
authors chose to emphasize trials with an active comparator
when possible. However, it is helpful to note that the
ENGAGE trial demonstrated in 40 treatment-naive patients
with Gaucher disease type 1 that eliglustat reduced spleen
volume by 27.77% after 9 months of therapy while spleen
volume increased by 2.26% at 9 months in the placebo group
(difference of −30.03%; 95% confidence interval, -36.82%
to −23.24%; P < 0.001).2 Similarly, a small trial evaluating
miglustat in treatment-naive patients was not included in the
initial article. In the observational trial of 26 patients with
Gaucher disease type 1, 10 of whom were treatment-naive,
miglustat showed significant changes from baseline in treatment-naive patients in total cholesterol (7% increase; P =
0.05), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (24% increase; P
= 0.005), triglycerides (20% decrease; P = 0.05), C-reactive
protein (32% decrease; P = 0.05), and chitotriosidase (39%
decrease; P = 0.03) after 36 months of therapy. Other markers of Gaucher disease severity were not measured, and
adverse effects were not discussed extensively.3
Regarding the note on antibody development, Ibrahim
and Call are correct in stating there are no head-to-head trials
between the enzyme replacement therapies and antibody
development. In the initial article, we referred to the reported
rates of antibody development to each of the agents.
Currently, some published data report the rate of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody development to imiglucerase as

15%, IgG antibody development to taliglucerase as 6%, and
IgG antibody development to velaglucerase as 1.4%.4-6
However, it is important to note that different resources will
likely report different rates of antibody development and
rates may not be directly comparable. In addition, as with
any biological therapy, immunogenicity is a concern, and
providers should monitor patients for signs and symptoms of
immunologic responses.
We additionally acknowledge that reports of imiglucerase
use in pregnancy women indicate imiglucerase may be a safe
option for Gaucher disease treatment during pregnancy and
may decrease the risk of complications in these patients during pregnancy.7 Similarly, reports and clinical experience
suggest velaglucerase and taliglucerase may be safely used
to treat Gaucher disease during pregnancy.7,8 However, while
clinical experience with enzyme replacement therapy suggests these agents may be safe to use in pregnancy, enzyme
replacement therapies, like most medications, have not been
evaluated in pregnant women with adequate, well-controlled
trials; therefore, safety cannot be guaranteed in this population. As noted in the original article, because imiglucerase
has been on the market longest and thus has the longest history of clinical use, it may be a safer option than the newer
enzyme replacement therapies.
Regarding the note on Canadian and European indications for taliglucerase and imiglucerase, the intent of our
article was to address indications approved by Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the United States.
Of note, while the official indication approved by FDA for
all 3 enzyme replacement therapies specifically states they
are indicated for use in Gaucher disease type 1, FDAdesignated imiglucerase as an orphan drug for Gaucher
disease types 1, 2, and 3 and taliglucerase and velaglucerase have an orphan drug designation for Gaucher disease without specifying type.4,9-11 We encourage readers

University of Florida Health Jacksonville, FL, USA
Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA


Corresponding Author:
Alison Van Rossum, University of Florida Health Jacksonville,
655 W 8th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209, USA.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017

Knowing What Is Coming: The Importance of Monitoring the Pharmaceutical Pipeline
In Reply to “Postoperative Pain Management With Liposomal Bupivacaine in Patients Undergoing Orthopedic Knee and Hip Arthroplasty at a Community Hospital”
Letter to the Editor on “Enzyme Replacement or Substrate Reduction? A Review of Gaucher Disease Treatment Options”
Response to Letter to the Editor on “Enzyme Replacement or Substrate Reduction? A Review of Gaucher Disease Treatment Options”
Commentary: Exploring Novel Approaches to Staff Rewards and Recognition
Pharmaceutical Pipeline Update
BACE Inhibitors and Tau Protein Targeting Drugs in Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
Direct and Indirect Remuneration Fees: The Controversy Continues
Factors Associated With Burnout Among US Hospital Clinical Pharmacy Practitioners: Results of a Nationwide Pilot Survey
In Vitro Evaluation of Eslicarbazepine Delivery via Enteral Feeding Tubes
Evaluation of Insulin Use and Hypoglycemia in Hospitalized Elderly Patients
Production Standard and Stability of Compounded del Nido Cardioplegia Solution
Lumbar Spine Surgeries and Medication Usage During Hospital Stay: One-Center Perspective
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 714
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 715
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 717
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 720
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Knowing What Is Coming: The Importance of Monitoring the Pharmaceutical Pipeline
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 722
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - In Reply to “Postoperative Pain Management With Liposomal Bupivacaine in Patients Undergoing Orthopedic Knee and Hip Arthroplasty at a Community Hospital”
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 724
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Letter to the Editor on “Enzyme Replacement or Substrate Reduction? A Review of Gaucher Disease Treatment Options”
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 726
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Response to Letter to the Editor on “Enzyme Replacement or Substrate Reduction? A Review of Gaucher Disease Treatment Options”
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 728
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Commentary: Exploring Novel Approaches to Staff Rewards and Recognition
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 731
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Edaravone
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 733
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 734
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 736
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - BACE Inhibitors and Tau Protein Targeting Drugs in Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - 739
Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Direct and Indirect Remuneration Fees: The Controversy Continues
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Factors Associated With Burnout Among US Hospital Clinical Pharmacy Practitioners: Results of a Nationwide Pilot Survey
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - In Vitro Evaluation of Eslicarbazepine Delivery via Enteral Feeding Tubes
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Evaluation of Insulin Use and Hypoglycemia in Hospitalized Elderly Patients
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Production Standard and Stability of Compounded del Nido Cardioplegia Solution
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Hospital Pharmacy - December 2017 - Lumbar Spine Surgeries and Medication Usage During Hospital Stay: One-Center Perspective
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