Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - 412


HPXXXX10.1177/0018578717720313Hospital PharmacyDickerson et al


Significant Published Articles for
Pharmacy Nutrition Support
Practice in 2016

Hospital Pharmacy
2017, Vol. 52(6) 412-421
© The Author(s) 2017
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0018578717720313

Roland N. Dickerson1, Vanessa J. Kumpf2, Angela L. Bingham3,
Sarah V. Cogle4, Allison B. Blackmer5, Anne M. Tucker6,
Lingtak-Neander Chan7, and Todd W. Canada6

Purpose: To assist the pharmacist engaged in nutrition support therapy in staying current with pertinent literature. Methods:
Several clinical pharmacists engaged in nutrition support therapy compiled a list of articles published in 2016 considered
important to their clinical practice. The citation list was compiled into a single spreadsheet where the author participants
were asked to assess whether the paper was considered important to nutrition support pharmacy practice. A culled list of
publications was then identified whereby the majority of author participants (at least 5 out of 8) considered the paper to be
important. Guideline and consensus papers from professional organizations, important to practice but not scored, were also
included. Results: A total of 103 articles were identified; 10 from the primary literature were voted by the group to be of high
importance. An additional 11 organizational guidelines, position, recommendation, or consensus papers were also identified.
The top-ranked articles from the primary literature were reviewed. Conclusion: It is recommended that pharmacists, engaged
in nutrition support therapy, be familiar with the majority of these articles as it pertains to their practice.
consensus, enteral nutrition, guidelines, outcomes, parenteral nutrition
Staying current with the literature is an essential requirement
for the informed pharmacist who maintains an evidence-based
clinical practice. This requirement has become more challenging to fulfill as the practice model of the traditional full-time
pharmacy nutrition support specialist has changed at many
institutions. Many former specialists now practice within an
integrated model whereby the clinical pharmacist provides
pharmacotherapy services along with nutrition support responsibilities. As a result of this change, clinicians are responsible
for staying current within numerous therapeutic areas that
interface with clinical practice including nutrition support.
Because nutrition support therapy is integrated with many
divergent specialized fields, it is an extremely daunting task
for one individual to screen the abundant amount of available
journals each month to seek out those clinical studies, position
papers, or clinical guidelines that may enhance or change clinical practice. The intent of this article is to provide an updated
source of new pertinent literature published in 2016.

To assist pharmacy clinicians engaged in nutrition support in
staying current with the most pertinent literature, the principal

author participant of this article (R.N.D.) invited 7 additional
clinical pharmacists to participate in this project. The potential author participants were invited based on the principal
author's perception of their active involvement in the field as
supported by their educational, research, or professional committee involvement in pharmacy nutrition support, particularly in the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition (ASPEN). All authors are board certified. Four
author participants are board certified solely in pharmacy
nutrition support, whereas others are certified in areas
whereby nutrition support is part of their practice or have


University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN, USA
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA
University of the Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA
University of Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Corresponding Author:
Roland N. Dickerson, College of Pharmacy, University of Tennessee,
881 Madison Avenue, Suite 345, Memphis, TN 38163, USA.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017

Formal Leadership: Thrilling (and Scary) Like a Roller Coaster Ride
ISMP Medication Error Report Analysis
Cancer Chemotherapy Update: Bevacizumab, Etoposide, and Cisplatin Regimen for Refractory Brain Metastases
Formulary Drug Reviews: Plecanatide
Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Receptor Antagonists for Migraine Prophylaxis: A Review of a Drug Class or Therapeutic Class in a Late Stage of Clinical Development
Highly Probable Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms Syndrome Associated With Lenalidomide
Significant Published Articles for Pharmacy Nutrition Support Practice in 2016
Financial Effect of a Drug Distribution Model Change on a Health System
Limited Influence of Excipients in Extemporaneous Compounded Suspensions
Improved Outcomes and Cost Savings Associated With Pharmacist Presence in the Emergency Department
Patients Given Take Home Medications Instead of Paper Prescriptions Are More Likely to Return to Emergency Department
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - 387
Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Formal Leadership: Thrilling (and Scary) Like a Roller Coaster Ride
Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - 389
Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - ISMP Medication Error Report Analysis
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Cancer Chemotherapy Update: Bevacizumab, Etoposide, and Cisplatin Regimen for Refractory Brain Metastases
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Formulary Drug Reviews: Plecanatide
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Receptor Antagonists for Migraine Prophylaxis: A Review of a Drug Class or Therapeutic Class in a Late Stage of Clinical Development
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Highly Probable Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms Syndrome Associated With Lenalidomide
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Significant Published Articles for Pharmacy Nutrition Support Practice in 2016
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Financial Effect of a Drug Distribution Model Change on a Health System
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Limited Influence of Excipients in Extemporaneous Compounded Suspensions
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Improved Outcomes and Cost Savings Associated With Pharmacist Presence in the Emergency Department
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Hospital Pharmacy - June 2017 - Patients Given Take Home Medications Instead of Paper Prescriptions Are More Likely to Return to Emergency Department
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