Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 687


Wei et al
Table 2. Calibration Curves of Vancomycin and Gentamicin at 280 nm and 255 nm.

Concentration range,

Calibration curve at
280 nm


Calibration curve at
255 nm




y = 0.0039x + 0.0107
y = 0.0011x + 0.0021


y = 0.0024x + 0.0133
y = 0.0047x + 0.0023


because the relative standard deviations of the drug concentrations did not exceed 0.27%. A different set of calibration standards ranging from 15.625 to 250 µg/mL were prepared for
analyzing vancomycin from admixtures containing ethanol at
280 nm. A straight line (y = 0.0042x - 0.0031) was obtained
with a correlation coefficient (r2) value of 0.9999 (Table 2).
Chemical stability of drugs in admixtures was assessed by
measuring the drug content at 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours.

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Stability of antimicrobial activity was determined by KirbyBauer disk diffusion method according to the guidelines
established by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
(CLSI).11 To determine antibacterial activities of gentamicin
and vancomycin, reference strains of Escherichia coli ATCC
25922 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 were used,
respectively. Because a number of samples contained both
vancomycin and gentamicin, a clinical strain of S aureus
resistant to gentamicin but susceptible to vancomycin was
obtained from the University of Toledo Medical Center and
was evaluated in all samples containing vancomycin with
and without gentamicin.
The Mueller-Hinton agar (MHA) was prepared according
to the manufacturer's instructions. After autoclaving, the
agar was poured into flat bottomed petri dishes to give uniform depths of about 4 mm. The agar was allowed to cool to
room temperature and, unless used on the same day, stored in
the refrigerator (2°C-8°C). Bacterial colonies from overnight
growth were added to normal saline and adjusted turbidity to
equal to a 0.5 McFarland standard (1.5 × 108 colony-forming
units/mL). The surface of MHA plates was inoculated using
a sterile swab that was dipped into the adjusted bacterial suspension and streaked over the surface of the agar plates.
Antimicrobial susceptibility test disks containing gentamicin 10 µg and vancomycin 30 µg (BBL Sensi-Discs;
Becton Dickinson Biosciences, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA)
were used. In addition, blank disks were impregnated with
required amounts of sample equivalent to the potency of the
standard gentamicin and vancomycin disks calculated based
on initial concentrations of vancomycin and gentamicin. The
standard and the sample disks were applied on the surface of
agar plates manually using sterile forceps in such a way that
each disk was at least 24 mm away from other disks and from
the edge of the petri plate to avoid contamination. The plates
were incubated in air at 35°C to 37°C for 24 hours before
measuring the zones of inhibition. All the tests were conducted in triplicate.

Antimicrobial activity was calculated by comparing the
zones of inhibition at 72 hours to the baseline values and
presented as a percentage of the baseline zones of inhibition.
These values were then compared using one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA), and when statistically significant results
were obtained, Tukey post hoc test was conducted. A P value
≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical
tests were conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 Software
(IBM Corp, Armonk, New York).

Physical and Chemical Stability of Lock Solutions
At baseline, 24 hours, and 48 hours, all solution combinations
containing vancomycin (5 or 10 mg/mL) with either gentamicin (1 mg/mL) or ethanol (40%) in 4% sodium citrate under 4
different conditions remained visually clear, exhibiting no
precipitate or turbidity (all solutions were graded 0 at each
time point). Over 72 hours, all solutions except one combination maintained clarity measured by spectrophotometric
absorbance. At 48 hours, the admixture containing vancomycin (5 mg/mL) and ethanol (40% v/v) in a 4% sodium citrate
solution stored under 4 different conditions did not display
any turbidity but at 72 hours; this admixture showed an absorbance value >0.010 AU which indicated turbidity.
The pH of each admixture under 4 conditions maintained
pH within the acceptable margins during the 72-hour study
period. Chemical stability of gentamicin and vancomycin was
assessed and the mean concentrations ranged between 95%
and 105% of initial concentrations after 72 hours (Table 3).

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
The average antimicrobial activity based on zones of inhibition is reported in Table 4. The mean antimicrobial activity of
vancomycin against S aureus ranged from 95% to 106% of
baseline zones of inhibition after 72 hours. The average
activity of gentamicin against E coli was 99% to 104% of the
baseline after 72 hours. Overall, no significant change was
observed for all 6 combinations of lock solutions under the 4
different storage conditions (P>0.05).

Catheter lock solutions containing an antimicrobial agent
and anticoagulant solution have been used to reduce
CRBSIs and maintain patency. Although the most widely


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017

AKD—The Time Between AKI and CKD: What Is the Role of the Pharmacist?
Letter to the Editor
Antithrombotic Therapy Post Endovascular Stenting for Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Pharmaceutical Pipeline Update
Janus Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Formulary Drug Reviews
Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia-Induced Acute Pancreatitis With Insulin, Heparin, and Gemfibrozil: A Case Series
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Stewardship–Related Alerts Using a Clinical Decision Support System
Compatibility, Stability, and Efficacy of Vancomycin Combined With Gentamicin or Ethanol in Sodium Citrate as a Catheter Lock Solution
Development of Institutional Guidelines for Management of Gram-Negative Bloodstream Infections: Incorporating Local Evidence
Underutilization of Aldosterone Antagonists in Heart Failure
Stability of Procainamide Injection in Clear Glass Vials and Polyvinyl Chloride Bags
Development of a Local Health-System Pharmacy Resident Society
Challenges and Solutions to New Manager Onboarding
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 649
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 650
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 651
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 652
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 653
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 654
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 655
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 656
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 657
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 658
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 659
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 660
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - AKD—The Time Between AKI and CKD: What Is the Role of the Pharmacist?
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 662
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Letter to the Editor
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Pharmaceutical Pipeline Update
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Janus Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Formulary Drug Reviews
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Etelcalcetide
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 668
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 669
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 670
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 671
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 672
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia-Induced Acute Pancreatitis With Insulin, Heparin, and Gemfibrozil: A Case Series
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 674
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 675
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 676
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Evaluation of Antimicrobial Stewardship–Related Alerts Using a Clinical Decision Support System
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 678
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 679
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 680
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 681
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 682
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Compatibility, Stability, and Efficacy of Vancomycin Combined With Gentamicin or Ethanol in Sodium Citrate as a Catheter Lock Solution
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 684
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 685
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 686
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 687
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 688
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Development of Institutional Guidelines for Management of Gram-Negative Bloodstream Infections: Incorporating Local Evidence
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 690
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 691
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 692
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 693
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 694
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 695
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Underutilization of Aldosterone Antagonists in Heart Failure
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 697
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 698
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 699
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 700
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 701
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Stability of Procainamide Injection in Clear Glass Vials and Polyvinyl Chloride Bags
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 703
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 704
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 705
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 706
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Development of a Local Health-System Pharmacy Resident Society
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 708
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 709
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - Challenges and Solutions to New Manager Onboarding
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 711
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 712
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 713
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 714
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 715
Hospital Pharmacy - November 2017 - 716