The Villages - July 2017 - 19

It takes a village.
When it comes to an Honor Flight mission, hundreds of
volunteers make it happen.
"They are absolutely essential," Barbara Hambright said.
Hambright is among seven board members who work
with a roster of 350 dedicated volunteers. Their goal: to give
veterans the experience of a lifetime by orchestrating trips to
the war memorials in Washington, D.C.
"We will hit 1,000 veterans by the end of this year," Hambright said.
Veterans who take the flights are treated to an emotional,
unforgettable experience, Hambright said. While the planning process requires extensive work, she calls the volunteer
staff a well-oiled machine.
As for Hambright, she serves as president and preflight coordinator for the club, running meetings and
ensuring the event is in order before every flight.
"We might see 110 people at a club meeting,
and each has an important task," she said.
When asked how she got involved, Hambright
said it all started with spaghetti.
"My husband, Joe, signed up as a guardian on the inaugural flight in May 2012,"
she said. "He asked me to help out at the fundraiser - a spaghetti dinner at the American
Legion. From there, I was asked to work at
a preflight meeting. You might say the rest is

& Joe

Volunteer roles

Among the mAny
Volunteer roles Are:


transportation Volunteers

Guardians act as escorts, assisting veterans throughout
the entire mission. They're present at preflight
activities; they stay with veterans throughout the flight
and accompany them on the tour, and finally, at the
reunion. All guardians pay for their own flights.

Transportation volunteers ensure veterans have rides to
the event location. Some veterans no longer drive and
lack reliable transportation. Volunteers use their own
vehicles to provide a pickup and drop-off service.


Medical personnel include volunteer nurses,
emergency medical technicians, paramedics and
doctors, some active and others retired. They offer
medical evaluation of each veteran and guardian prior
to flying and are also present on the flight.

Greeters are present at send-off and at the post-flight
reception as well. They're part of a clan of supporters
who welcome veterans back from their flight after a full
day of activity. Along with cheerleaders, firefighters and
community friends, they whoop and wave and make
the already exhilarating experience more meaningful
for returning veterans.

Medical support

adMinistratiVe support
These clerical wizards work on brochures, mailings and
finances, while maintaining the website.




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Villages - July 2017

The Villages - July 2017 - Cover1
The Villages - July 2017 - Contents
The Villages - July 2017 - 1
The Villages - July 2017 - 2
The Villages - July 2017 - 3
The Villages - July 2017 - 4
The Villages - July 2017 - 5
The Villages - July 2017 - 6
The Villages - July 2017 - 7
The Villages - July 2017 - 8
The Villages - July 2017 - 9
The Villages - July 2017 - 10
The Villages - July 2017 - 11
The Villages - July 2017 - 12
The Villages - July 2017 - 13
The Villages - July 2017 - 14
The Villages - July 2017 - 15
The Villages - July 2017 - 16
The Villages - July 2017 - 17
The Villages - July 2017 - 18
The Villages - July 2017 - 19
The Villages - July 2017 - 20
The Villages - July 2017 - 21
The Villages - July 2017 - 22
The Villages - July 2017 - 23
The Villages - July 2017 - 24
The Villages - July 2017 - 25
The Villages - July 2017 - 26
The Villages - July 2017 - 27
The Villages - July 2017 - 28
The Villages - July 2017 - 29
The Villages - July 2017 - 30
The Villages - July 2017 - 31
The Villages - July 2017 - 32
The Villages - July 2017 - 33
The Villages - July 2017 - 34
The Villages - July 2017 - 35
The Villages - July 2017 - 36
The Villages - July 2017 - 37
The Villages - July 2017 - 38
The Villages - July 2017 - 39
The Villages - July 2017 - 40
The Villages - July 2017 - 41
The Villages - July 2017 - 42
The Villages - July 2017 - 43
The Villages - July 2017 - 44
The Villages - July 2017 - 45
The Villages - July 2017 - 46
The Villages - July 2017 - 47
The Villages - July 2017 - 48
The Villages - July 2017 - Cover3
The Villages - July 2017 - Cover4