The Villages - September 2017 - 6


Maestro's World FaMous

singing servers

Bringing Food and Fun to the taBle
Story By rica LewiS | PhotoS By roB wiLkerSon

In The Villages, Doherty is known as a musical
He learned the language of music early. By age 3, he
powerhouse. He is the man responsible for many fun Friday
was speaking it fluently and with fervor.
nights at Spanish Springs Town Square. His " Maestro's
"I remember the joy I had sitting on my mother's
World Famous Singing Servers" program brings
lap while she practiced piano," Maestro Bill
fabulous food and music to the table at Katie
Doherty said.
Belle's restaurant, and diners can't get
Music was a family affair, and a
enough of the all-request entertainment.
precocious young Doherty was so eager to
"The program completely revolves
get involved, he took the piano apart and
around the audience," Doherty said. "We
put it together again at age 4.
might sing 'Phantom of the Opera,' 'Fiddler
"I think I was always fascinated with the
on the Roof,' 'Cats' or 'Les Miserables.' It's
piano," he said.
special because so many Villagers love
At age 8 he was writing music, and at
12 he was awarded the New York State
Maestro Bill Doherty
Singing while serving is a concept
Humanities Award after a teacher sent his
Doherty came up with three decades ago on a snowy day
Mass to Kitty Carlisle, head of the New York State Council
in New York. A triple major at the Juilliard School, Doherty
on the Arts. Throughout his life, Doherty always had
had taken a job as a pianist at a restaurant while he studied
singing, composing and piano. Asti's was a nice place on
"I can't think of a single day without it," he said.
the Lower East Side, he said, but business was slow.
He's been called one of the nation's leading voice
"I thought it would be cool to teach the servers to sing,"
coaches, and his students have drawn international
Doherty said. "So the owner and I worked up a number and
attention in key roles with opera companies throughout the
found opera singers to help train the staff."
United States and Europe, as well as on and off Broadway.



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Villages - September 2017

The Villages - September 2017 - Cover1
The Villages - September 2017 - Contents
The Villages - September 2017 - 1
The Villages - September 2017 - 2
The Villages - September 2017 - 3
The Villages - September 2017 - 4
The Villages - September 2017 - 5
The Villages - September 2017 - 6
The Villages - September 2017 - 7
The Villages - September 2017 - 8
The Villages - September 2017 - 9
The Villages - September 2017 - 10
The Villages - September 2017 - 11
The Villages - September 2017 - 12
The Villages - September 2017 - 13
The Villages - September 2017 - 14
The Villages - September 2017 - 15
The Villages - September 2017 - 16
The Villages - September 2017 - 17
The Villages - September 2017 - 18
The Villages - September 2017 - 19
The Villages - September 2017 - 20
The Villages - September 2017 - 21
The Villages - September 2017 - 22
The Villages - September 2017 - 23
The Villages - September 2017 - 24
The Villages - September 2017 - 25
The Villages - September 2017 - 26
The Villages - September 2017 - 27
The Villages - September 2017 - 28
The Villages - September 2017 - 29
The Villages - September 2017 - 30
The Villages - September 2017 - 31
The Villages - September 2017 - 32
The Villages - September 2017 - 33
The Villages - September 2017 - 34
The Villages - September 2017 - 35
The Villages - September 2017 - 36
The Villages - September 2017 - 37
The Villages - September 2017 - 38
The Villages - September 2017 - 39
The Villages - September 2017 - 40
The Villages - September 2017 - 41
The Villages - September 2017 - 42
The Villages - September 2017 - 43
The Villages - September 2017 - 44
The Villages - September 2017 - 45
The Villages - September 2017 - 46
The Villages - September 2017 - 47
The Villages - September 2017 - 48
The Villages - September 2017 - 49
The Villages - September 2017 - 50
The Villages - September 2017 - 51
The Villages - September 2017 - 52
The Villages - September 2017 - 53
The Villages - September 2017 - 54
The Villages - September 2017 - 55
The Villages - September 2017 - 56
The Villages - September 2017 - 57
The Villages - September 2017 - 58
The Villages - September 2017 - Cover3
The Villages - September 2017 - Cover4