Our industry 2014 - (Page 33)

    Sustainable agricultural systems 02   33   Investment and subsidy trends Public-private partnerships Working in partnership is key to enable and accelerate the development of  functioning markets. The combination of public and private expertise allows  traditional public sector skills of rural development, long-term research and  policy to be combined with the more practical elements of companies and  business such as technical and market development as well as marketing and  distribution expertise. Public-private partnerships are most successful when  clearly defined agreements exist regarding contribution to the collaboration   and share of the output. Common goals, objectives and deliverables must be  underpinned by a commitment from all parties, open communication, trust   and an agreed balance of power sharing. The benefits to be gained include wider access to technology, improved  connectivity between growers and markets, ability to build on individual  expertise, ability to share costs and optimize investment decisions as well as  overall increased chance of success in R&D related projects.  Critical agricultural challenges such as water efficiency, infrastructure and   post-harvest loss management can be better addressed when joining up the   right partners, including those who provide financing, technology, machinery,  irrigation, farming expertise and infrastructure. Through long-term investment  and commitments, the benefits can be substantial in enabling many countries  not only to produce enough food to replace current imports, but also to become  resource efficient and competitive in global markets. A good example is Africa where agriculture is likely to continue growing but   at different paces depending on the country. Governments are directing more  investments to agriculture, especially in the productivity of smallholder farming,  a sector that suffers from the difficulty of accessing markets and technology.  The large opportunity for public-private or private-private partnerships is to  develop innovative new business models that will remove existing constraints  and attract investors. Joint efforts in knowledge sharing through agronomy  training, including the best use of crop protection and seed programs, and in  better farm management practices pay out in better productivity and profitability  of agriculture.   Private investment   accounts for 50% of  R&D spend in developed  countries; in emerging  markets it is only 6% Investments focusing  on economic, social and  environmental returns  will create the most   sustainable long-term  value

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Our industry 2014

Our industry 2014
