ASHP Foundation 2010 Annual Report - 11

Oddis, Paul G. Pierpaoli, Max D. Ray, Mary Jo Reilly and David A. Zilz. There are also two tribute videos honoring the careers of Gloria N. Francke and Clifford J. Latiolais. These video interviews were produced to offer all health-system pharmacists, but especially students and new practitioners, insight into various successful career paths and how leaders in our profession have met and overcome challenges. White also developed a discussion guide for in-class use. To view these thought-provoking conversations, visit leadershipvideos.

In 2010, the ASHP Foundation partnered with ASHP to begin a discussion with ASHP members about the future of the pharmacy practice model. Health care reform is a high national priority for the public, policymakers, payers, health professionals and health care organizations. This reform will be driven by multiple factors, including patient and caregiver demand for higher quality and safer care at lower costs; health professionals who are pursuing safer care for our society; health professional shortages; and demographic, social and economic influences. Hospital and health-system pharmacists have begun to engage now in the development of future practice models that are responsive to health care reform and the health system of the future. A Pharmacy Practice Model Summit was held in November 2010, bringing together more than 100 pharmacist participants to address key outcomes related to the development of a new pharmacy practice model. More than 140 assumptions, beliefs and recommendations came out of the Summit. In 2011 and beyond, the ASHP Foundation will support translation of the recommendations into practice through: • Publication in the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy of the proceedings and background documents. • Development of communication tools, such as a Summit video for use on the Web and at state meetings, the Midyear and the ASHP Summer Meeting. • Development of assessment tools. • Provision of demonstration grants. To learn more about the implications of the Summit on the profession moving forward, watch this video of William A. Zellmer’s closing comments. We are very grateful to the many pharmaceutical and health care-related corporations that generously supported the PPMI and the Summit. To see a complete list of PPMI Corporate Supporters, visit the PPMI Website. For more information about the PPMI, visit
View this video from the PPMI Summit.



ASHP Foundation 2010 Annual Report

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHP Foundation 2010 Annual Report

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