Of The People - 11

Of the People offers compelling features in every chapter American Portraits Malinche, Cultural Translator (Chapter 1) Don Lu’s de Velasco Finds His Way Home (Chapter 2) The Adventures of John Rolfe (Chapter 3) Tituba Shapes Her World and Saves Herself (Chapter 4) George Whitefield: Evangelist for a Consumer Society (Chapter 5) Susannah Willard Johnson Experiences the Empire (Chapter 6) James Madison Helps Make a Nation (Chapter 7) William Maclay Goes to the Senate (Chapter 8) Washington Irving’s America (Chapter 9) Lucretia Coffin Mott and the Free Produce Movement (Chapter 10) Harriet Noble (Chapter 11) Nat Turner (Chapter 12) Mah-i-ti-wo-nee-ni Remembers Life on the Great Plains (Chapter 13) Frederick Douglass (Chapter 14) Edmund Ruffin (Chapter 15) John Dennett Visits a Freedmen’s Bureau Court (Chapter 16) Rosa Cassettari (Chapter 17) Anthony Comstock’s Crusade Against Vice (Chapter 18) Luna Kellie and the Farmers’ Alliance (Chapter 19) J. P. Morgan (Chapter 20) Alice Hamilton (Chapter 21) Walter Lippmann (Chapter 22) Gertrude Ederle, “The Queen of the Waves” (Chapter 23) Margaret Mitchell (Chapter 24) A. Philip Randolph (Chapter 25) Esther and Stephen Brunauer (Chapter 26) Gene Ferkauf (Chapter 27) Lt. Fred Downs (Chapter 28) “Fighting Shirley Chisholm” (Chapter 29) Linda Chavez (Chapter 30) Tiger Woods (Chapter 31) Freedman’s Village, Arlington, Virginia (Chapter 15) Race Riots in Memphis and New Orleans (Chapter 16) Mining Camps in the West (Chapter 17) The Modern University (Chapter 18) The “Crusade” Against Alcohol (Chapter 19) Pullman, Illinois (Chapter 20) The Hetch Hetchy Valley (Chapter 21) Plattsburg Training Camp (Chapter 22) “Flaming Youth” on Campus (Chapter 23) Angola, Louisiana (Chapter 24) Manzanar (Chapter 25) Dhahran (Chapter 26) Levittown, New York (Chapter 27) “The Long Cool Summer” of Greenville, Mississippi (Chapter 28) Youngstown, Ohio (Chapter 29) San Antonio (Chapter 30) Gitmo, “The Least Worst Place” (Chapter 31) America and the World Debating the Morality of Conquest (Chapter 1) The English on the Edge of Empire (Chapter 2) Christian Slaves in Muslim Africa (Chapter 3) Witchcraft in Global Perspective (Chapter 4) Consumer Tastes in Global Perspective (Chapter 5) Paying for War (Chapter 6) Mercenaries in Global Perspective (Chapter 7) Transatlantic Talk about the Rights of Women (Chapter 8) The United States in China (Chapter 9) The Demand for Raw Cotton (Chapter 10) The Monroe Doctrine (Chapter 11) The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (Chapter 12) Lt. Rankin Dilworth in the War with Mexico (Chapter 13) Slavery as a Foreign Policy (Chapter 14) The Diplomacy of Emancipation (Chapter 15) Reconstructing America’s Foreign Policy (Chapter 16) The Global Migration of Labor (Chapter 17) World’s Fairs (Chapter 18) Foreign Policy and Commercial Expansion (Chapter 19) Singer Sewing Machine Company (Chapter 20) The Calorie (Chapter 21) The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 (Chapter 22) “Jazz-band partout!” (Chapter 23) The Global Depression (Chapter 24) Bretton Woods (Chapter 25) Underdevelopment (Chapter 26) Popular Music as a Cold War Weapon (Chapter 27) International Student Protest, 1968 (Chapter 28) Carl Gerstacker’s Dream (Chapter 29) Japanese Management, American Workers (Chapter 30) Globalization’s Final Frontier (Chapter 31) American Landscapes Tenochtitlán (Chapter 1) Huronia (Chapter 2) New England Settlements (Chapter 3) New Amsterdam/New York (Chapter 4) The Slave Ship (Chapter 5) Occupied Boston (Chapter 6) The Winter at Jockey Hollow (Chapter 7) Philadelphia (Chapter 8) Religion in the Backcountry: Cane Ridge, Kentucky (Chapter 9) Profi t and Loss on an American Plantation (Chapter 10) Liberty and the Land: Cherokee Removal (Chapter 11) Freedom and Wage Labor (Chapter 12) Culture and Politics in Manifest Destiny: The Tejanos in Texas (Chapter 13) The Sack of Lawrence, Kansas (Chapter 14) 11

Of The People

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Of The People

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