Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 13
Annual Meeting of the Membership Minutes
September 8, 2022
American Business Women's Association (ABWA)
The 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Business Women's
Association was called to order by National President Trina
Nkhazi, Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 8:47 a.m. MST.
National President Trina Nkhazi also stated that this year's annual
meeting minutes will be published in the Achieve Newsletter
publication this fall.
National President Trina Nkhazi, announced that:
* Felicia Johnson would serve as the Rules Advisor.
* Sharon Godbee would serve as the Alternate Rules Advisor.
* Anne O'Neill would serve as the Sergeant at Arms.
Sergeant of Arms Anne O'Neill reviewed the decorum that is
expected throughout the annual meeting.
National President Trina Nkhazi, announced the members
serving on the credentials committee and briefly explained their
role in the annual meeting:
* Michelle Crone, Chair
* Amy Dawson
* Toby Page
National President Trina Nkhazi announced that the reading of
the minutes for the 2021 Annual Meeting would be waived since
they were approved by the 2021 Publishing Committee and were
published in the 6th issue of the Achieve Newsletter.
National President Trina Nkhazi announced the names of the
members serving on the publishing committee:
From District I, Quinzetta McCray would serve as chair of the
Publishing Committee for the annual meeting minutes.
Other publishing committee members are:
* From District II, Cindy Osmer
* From District III, Leslie McMillen
The first item of business was to review the Statement of
Condition for the Stephen Bufton Memorial Educational Fund by
National Secretary-Treasurer Cheryl Blair.
The second item of business was to introduce the National
Nominating Committee, Chair, and the other members serving
on the nominating committee including:
* From District VI, Dee Kirtley (Chair)
* From District IV, Karen Kleffel (not in attendance)
* From District V, JoAnn Huebner (not in attendance)
Nominating Committee Chair, Dee Kirtley introduced the
members who were declared national board of directors
candidates beginning with Candidates for Vice President,
Districts I-VI, followed by National Secretary Treasurer, National
Vice President, and National President.
Dee Kirtley stated that, in accordance with the ABWA National
Bylaws, if any one candidate did not receive a majority vote a
run-off election would be held between the two candidates
receiving the highest number of votes, citing Articles Article IX,
Section 3 of the National Bylaws.
Dee Kirtley introduced the candidates for national office.
National President, Trina Nkhazi invited officer candidates
beginning with National Secretary-Treasurer, National Vice
President, National President, District I VP, District II VP, District
III VP, District IV VP, District V VP, ending with District VI VP and to
give their 3-minute remarks on the following question...
" If elected, how will you strengthen the tenets of our mission
statement with your leadership to help grow together towards
tomorrow? "
National President Trina Nkhazi cited the Bylaws Article 9,
Section 3 regarding voting and reintroduced credentials
committee members.
Credential Committee member, Amy Dawson explained the
voting protocol for each Ballot and Round.
1st Round and Ballot Began at 10:40 a.m.
No run-offs required.
At 1:04, National President, Trina Nkhazi welcomed Michelle
Crone to the podium to announce the results of the election and
reminded members that the newly elected officers would be
installed promptly and are elected to serve one term.
The Credential Committee Chair Michelle Crone announced the
2022-2023 National Board of Directors
* District I Vice President, Genice Hall
* District II Vice President, Kella Price
* District III Vice President, Kathy McBride
* District IV Vice President, Juanita Hall
* District V Vice President, Mary Ceccanese
* District VI Vice President, Velma Landers
* National Secretary-Treasurer, Joyce Wright
* National Vice President, Rachelle Jamerson-Holmes
* National President, Cheryl Blair
The 2022-2023 National Board of Directors were invited to the
stage and were installed by the outgoing National President,
Trina Nkhazi.
The annual meeting was adjourned by the new National
President Cheryl Blair who adjourned the meeting at 1:13 p.m.
Approved by the 2022 Publishing Committee: Qunizetta McCray,
Cindy Osmer and Leslie McMillen.
Date approved: 9/8/2022
2021-2022 National Secretary-Treasurer, Cheryl Blair
Date approved 9/8/2022
A publication of the American Business Women's Association (ABWA) www.abwa.org ©2022 ABWA Management LLC
5TH ISSUE 2022 13
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business®
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business®
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - Intro
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - Contents
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 2
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 3
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 4
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 5
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 6
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 7
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 8
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 9
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 10
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 11
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 12
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 13
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 14
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 15
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 16
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 17
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 18
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 19
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 20
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 21
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 22
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - BB1
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - BB2
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Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 25
Celebrating ABWA’s Women in Business® - 26