Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 55

Hiring Decisions

Confidence in Decision Making
Full-time professionals indicated higher levels of confidence than graduate assistants in
knowing exactly what to look for in candidates
(M = 4.51, 4.35) and in their decision making
based on departments' selection processes
(M = 3.86, 3.65); see Table 5 for further comparisons. The mean differences represented small
to medium effect sizes, ranging from d = .23
to d = .27, and were not statistically significant,
p = .061 and p = .231, respectively. Female
participants (M = 3.98) reported significantly
higher confidence in their hiring decisions
compared to male (M = 3.59) participants,
t(126) = -2.13, p = .035, representing a small
to medium effect size (d = .37). Additionally, participants with prior hiring experience
(M = 4.54) had a significantly higher confidence in knowing exactly what to look for in

candidates than participants with no prior
hiring experience (M = 4.05), t(129) = 3.165,
p = .002, representing a medium to large effect size (d = .68).

Based on the results of this study, group
process planning and implementation could
serve as a critical component for RA selection processes, given the influence it had on
participants' hiring decisions. Undoubtedly,
group process allows for the observation of
candidates in complex and active situations,
which some claim more accurately reflect the
nature of the RA role (Blimling, 2010; Taub
& Servaty-Seib, 2011). However, placing candidates in complex situations also requires
significant training for facilitators and evaluators overseeing the process. Interestingly,


Difference in Confidence by Participant Characteristics





Pro	 Grad		
M	M	d	

Yes	 No		
Female	Male
M	 M	 d	
M	 M	 d

Know what to look	
for in candidate.	

4.51	 4.35	.23	

4.54	 4.05	.68**	

4.51	 4.48

Know how to	
evaluate actions.

4.55	4.51		

4.51	 4.74	 .23	

4.66	 4.43	 .22

Department process allows	
to evaluate key attributes.

3.56	3.30	.22	

3.49	 3.47		

3.57	 3.37	 .17

In hiring decision based	
on process.

3.86	3.65	.27	

3.83	 3.63	.19	

3.98	 3.59	 .37*

Note. Only Cohen's d values of .15 or greater are reported. Pro= full-time professional, Grad = graduate assistant.
*p < .05, ** p < .01.


The Journal of College and University Student Housing


Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3

Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 1
Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 2
Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 3
Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 4
Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 5
Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 6
Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 7
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Journal of College & University Student Housing Vol. 47 No. 3 - 12
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