Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 23

BAKER PROUD | Summer 2019

Voice of the Wildcats
honored at state capitol
Longtime Baker announcer,
professor, and alumnus, Tom Hedrick, '56, was recognized by Kansas
lawmakers on May 2 for his outstanding contribution to broadcasting
and teaching. Hedrick, who was
accompanied by his wife, Lee, and
daughter, Nancy, was acknowledged
on the senate floor and received a
resolution from the Kansas State Senate. He then received a recognition
certificate from the House of Representatives and visited with Kansas
Governor Laura Kelly. Also present
in Topeka were Baker University
President Lynne Murray and several
members of the Department of Athletics. It was a fitting tribute to a long
and distinguished career.
A major portion of that career was
serving as the Voice of the Wildcats
for 30 years. For generations of Baker
football fans, it wasn't game day
without Hedrick calling play-by-play
from the press box at Liston Stadium. So it was truly the end of an era
when he called his final Baker home
football game last November, gave
the commencement address during
the winter ceremonies in December,
where he announced his retirement
from teaching, and called his last
men's basketball game in February.
During the Commencement
ceremony Hedrick was surprised and
moved when Dr. Murray presented
him with an honorary Doctor of
Letters degree to recognize his many
contributions and service to the
university. He said he was pleased to
be able to pay forward the support he
had received as an undergraduate on
the Baldwin City campus.
During his commencement
address, Hedrick announced his
retirement from teaching broadcasting courses at Baker, a role he had
served since 2005. He also taught at

the University of
Kansas, starting in
1960. Hedrick is an
enthusiastic storyteller, both with a
microphone and
without it, and that
excitement truly
sparks when he
talks about his experiences teaching
at Baker.
"Susan Emel,
L to R: Joe Watson, professor of mass media; Jason Thoren, head
[professor of
football coach; Susan Decker, assistant athletic director; Dr. Lynne
Murray, president; Charles Hill, '56; Laura Kelly, Kansas governor;
studies], who's a
Tom Hedrick, '56; Sean Dooley, head men's basketball coach;
dear friend, came
Lee Hedrick; Nate Houser, '94, athletic director and senior advisor
up, and I knew she to the president for athletics; Nancy Hedrick; and Swede Malm, '56.
was going to ask
me to teach an inhis work. He carried that into his
tro to radio and TV course," Hedrick
own teaching philosophy to ensure
said. "About the third time she said
his students had similar opportuni'I really need you to do it,' I agreed
to teach it. I had 12 students. It was
"I figured out I started 82 different
such a good class. I spent more time
sportscasters in this noble profespreparing for that than any course I
sion," he said.
took in my life. The next semester,
All of his students, their aspirashe said 'Would you like to teach that
tions, and willingness to put in the
class again?' I said 'Susan, I don't
work is what Hedrick thinks makes
mind teaching it. You know what I'd
Baker special.
really like to teach? I'd like to teach
"The thing I like about the Baker
what I taught for 30 years at KU,
kids, this has always been true, is
sportscasting.' She said, 'You got it.'"
there's a work ethic, there's a truthHedrick brought vast sportscastfulness, there's an application of the
ing experience to share with his
Golden Rule," he said. "I don't know
students. In a 61-year career that
how the admissions people do that,
extended far beyond the Kansas state
but it was true in the '50s and it's
line, he called games for the Kansas
true today. When I see these kids,
City Chiefs, Cincinnati Reds, Texas
you tell them to do something, they
Rangers, Dallas Cowboys, Kansas
do it. If they mess up, they'll tell you.
Jayhawks, and Nebraska CornhuskI can honestly tell you, when people
ers. He has called three Super Bowls
say I do a lot for Baker, I laugh. All
and seven Cotton Bowls. During
I'm doing is repaying a debt for all
his 30 years at Baker, Hedrick anthe nice things that happened to me
nounced 340 games for the Wildcats.
as a student, as a broadcaster. I've
He credits his Baker professors
never been treated better in my life."
for much of his professional success,
how much they cared about him and



Baker Proud Summer 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Baker Proud Summer 2019

No label
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - No label
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - Cover2
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 1
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 2
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 3
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 4
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 5
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 6
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 7
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 8
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 9
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 10
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 11
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 12
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 13
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 14
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 15
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 16
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 17
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 18
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 19
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 20
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 21
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 22
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 23
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 24
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 25
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 26
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 27
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 28
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 29
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 30
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 31
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 32
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - 33
Baker Proud Summer 2019 - Cover4