California Society of Anesthesiologists Bulletin Fall 2012 - (Page 28)

fEAturEd ArticlE The Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care at the University of California, San Francisco: A Brief Historical Overview By Ronald D. Miller, MD, MS, and Neal H. Cohen, MD, MPH The history of anesthesiology in California, as detailed over the years in the Guedel anesthesia history section of the CSA Bulletin, has, inexplicably, not included any thorough presentation on the foundation for our specialty and its practitioners — our teaching institutions and programs. In truth, collectively, the academic departments in our state have made extensive and invaluable contributions to the advancement of the science of our specialty as well as educating and training large numbers of outstanding clinicians who have populated this and other states. In an effort to fill what I believed to be an important void in our historical annals, I requested the chairs of the teaching programs in California to consider writing for our Bulletin on the history of their departments, past, present and future. This invitation was one that I knew would take a considerable amount of research, effort and time to bring to fruition. Indeed, I knew that successful recruitment of such articles would have to involve dedicated individuals with a sincere interest in the history of our specialty coupled with an affection and pride in the history of their departments. The first response was Ronald Pearl’s marvelous compendium of Stanford’s history that was published in our Winter 2011 issue. A year later, I was equally pleased to have Ronald Miller (with Neal Cohen) provide the second exciting installment of our California history with their essay on the University of California, San Francisco, which appears here. It is my fervent hope that there will follow an “avalanche” of such articles from our other esteemed teaching programs in this, the Golden State of anesthesiology. — Stephen H. Jackson, MD, Editor Emeritus t he history of the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), provides an interesting overview of the development and transitions in anesthesiology in general over the past 75 years. This history also exemplifies the impact of visionary leadership, within both the institution and the department, that has lead to numerous accomplishments in research, education and clinical care. These successes can be traced to the contributions of many who have trained or worked in the department since its inception. The names of all these individuals are too numerous to acknowledge particular accomplishments; instead, with a few notable exceptions, this historical overview will describe departmental developments and achievements rather than the efforts of individuals. This, then, is the history of how a department has evolved and matured into one of the most respected anesthesia programs both within the United States and internationally. Much of the information presented here was accumulated in preparation for the department’s 50th anniversary celebration, which took place in 2008. UCSF Medical Center on the Parnassus campus. UCSF

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of California Society of Anesthesiologists Bulletin Fall 2012

A New Look, a Continuing Commitment
Jack L. Moore, MD, FACA (1934-2012)
Time to Reevaluate...
Politics and the 2012 California Legislative Session
Report from the Legislative and Practice Affairs Devision
Money Well Spent for Your MD Degree? Maybe!
Atul Gawande, MD, Advocates 'Cheesecake Factory' Medicine
The Cheesecake Cocktail
Autumn 2012 Report
2013 Winter Anesthesia Seminar
The Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care at the University of California, San Francisco: A Brief Historical Overview
The 2012 Spring Anesthesia Seminar
California and National News
Spinal Cord Stimulation

California Society of Anesthesiologists Bulletin Fall 2012