Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 24-5 - 81
characterized to estimate the metrological characteristics in
the pressure range (0-6) bar. A sensitivity of 0.314 nm/bar, an
accuracy σ = 39 mbar, and a resolution dP = 1.5 mbar were estimated.
The developed prototype fully satisfies the requested
specifics. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility and
suitability of the proposed solution.
This work was developed by the project FIBRA in the context
of the " Open Lab " action of the Apulia Region, (CIG:
6543425D1E, CUP: B36J1500227000).
Fig. 6. Calibration diagram of the optical pressure sensor with the relative
uncertainty range obtained, considering a coverage factor k = 3. The estimated
sensor accuracy was σ = 39 mbar.
Table 4 - Metrological characteristics
of the optical pressure sensor
S (nm/bar)
σ (mbar)
dP (mbar)
resolution was evaluated as the ratio of the standard deviation
of the sensor output in case of no water pressure (considered as
base noise) and the evaluated sensitivity.
Water leak detection systems are of increasing interest, and
many efforts are being dedicated to the development of new
solutions and methodologies, also made possible by the technological
development and the availability of new low-cost
electronics and sensors.
Optical fiber sensor networks show some characteristics
like intrinsic safety (due to the lack of electricity), chemical
and electromagnetic passivity, biocompatibility, high sensibilities
and precisions, and the possibilities of remote sensing and
optical multiplexing that make them as a potentially viable
technology for real-time and continuous monitoring of water
distribution networks.
In this paper, the design of the architecture of an optical
fiber multi-sensor measurement system aimed at water leakages
detection, developed in the framework of the FIBRA
project financed by the Apulian Region in Italy with the involvement
of SMEs and research centers has been presented.
The paper focused on the design of the measurement system
from the specifics and constraints and on the design of new
FBG based sensors to measure main quantities (pressure,
flow rate, and vibrations) useful for the detection of water
As a case study, the implementation and experimental
characterization of a pressure sensor exploiting a steel membrane
and an FBG placed in the center of the membrane was
discussed. The pressure sensor has been experimentally
August 2021
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IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine
Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 24-5
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 24-5
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