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use of DTN instead of LN as a way to enhance the focus on the
local information of defects and improve the accuracy. DHT
shows good performance compared to other advanced models
and achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy on industrial surface
defect image classification.
One limitation of this work is that the artificially-designed
defect library is different from the real defects, and the model
needs to be further fine-tuned to improve its performance for
real defect types and sizes. Further research can evaluate the
validity of the proposed model for other defect features, such
as actual defects in chemical pressure vessels or equipment.
Moreover, as the generality of deep learning algorithms has
become a research hotspot, further research can focus on the
performance of this algorithm in other vision tasks. For example,
whether the proposed method can be applied to medical
image slices to detect anatomic pathological deformations or
disorders, etc.
This work was supported by Open Fund (No.OGE20210115)
of Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Equipment, Ministry
of Education (Southwest Petroleum University), Innovative
Entrepreneurial Project (No.CXCY-2021-22) of China Occupational
Safety and Health Association, Science and Technology
Planning Project (No. SCSJZ2022007) of Sichuan Market Supervision
Administration, School Qing Miao Project (No.
QM2021071) of Chengdu Technological University and School
Project (No.114/205190) of Chengdu Technological University.
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IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine

Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 26-2

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 26-2

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