Journal of Oral Implantology October 2012 - (Page 629)

CASE REPORT A Technique to Facilitate the Fabrication of Provisional Restorations for ITI Solid Abutments Murat Kurt, DDS, PhD ¨ Ahmet Umut Guler, DDS, PhD* Ayca Erkocak, DDS ¸ ¸ Fatma Ayse xanal, DDS x S The aim of this technique report was to present a procedure for the fabrication of provisional restorations for ITI solid abutments using impression caps in the laboratory with a number of advantages over intraoral techniques. There may be no need for cementation, and elimination of cementation may assist tissue healing. Key Words: ITI implant, impression cap, provisional restorations, solid abutment INTRODUCTION rovisionalization is a critical procedure in implant restorative treatment.1 Provisional restorations should be used to evaluate esthetic, phonetic, and occlusal function prior to delivery of the final implant restorations, while preserving and/or enhancing the condition of the peri-implant and gingival tissues.1,2 Provisional implant restorations provide soft tissue support and can be used to determine diagnostically the position and contours of definitive restorations.2 The ITI implant (Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) is a single-stage implant with a shoulder restorative finish line oriented at an angle of 458 relative to the implant body. The ITI solid abutment is used for cement-retained restorations with components available that facilitate the impression-making procedure.3 The use of the manufacturer’s provisional protective cap is a classical procedure. However, the procedure does not have the capacity to bond to acrylic resin and is unesthetic because of its color. Additionally, the shape of this component may not be able to develop or maintain optimal soft tissue contour. The component may be acceptable in some posterior areas but is of limited value in the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-09-00139 P esthetic anterior region.4 This technique also requires additional cost for the patients. Because of these disadvantages with manufacturer’s protective cap, provisional restorations for ITI solid abutments have been fabricated by alternative techniques, such as modifications of burn out coping, resin coping, impression cap, and protective cap.3,4 Many techniques advocate the chair side fabrication of provisional restorations. The aim of this report was to present a procedure for the fabrication of provisional restorations for ITI solid abutments using impression caps in the laboratory with a number of advantages. CASE REPORT This method requires the use of an ITI impression cap for solid abutments. An impression with the use of heavy body vinyl polysiloxane (Zhermack, Badia Polesine, Italy) combined with light body vinyl polysiloxane (Zhermack) was made. The corresponding analog was placed into the transfer impression assembly. A master cast model was poured in type IV die stone (Dentsply, York, Pa). The cast model was isolated by lacquer (Ruthinium Group, Badia Polesine, Italy). The impression caps that were used for the impression procedure were placed over the analog (Figure 1). Autopolymerizing acrylic resin (Schutz Weil-Dental GmbH, Rosbach, Germany) was placed into the impression caps (Figure 2) and contours of the provisional restoraJournal of Oral Implantology 629

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of Oral Implantology October 2012

Should the Implant Fit the Patient or Should the Patient Fit the Implant?
Histologic and Biomechanical Evaluation of Alumina-Blasted/Acid-Etched and Resorbable Blasting Media Surfaces
Impact of Dental and Zygomatic Implants on Stress Distribution in Maxillary Defects: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis Study
Precision of Implant Placement With Stereolithographic Templates: A Pilot In Vitro Study
An Evaluation of Biocompatibility of Indigenously Produced Pure Titanium: An Experimental Study in Rabbits
Relationship Between Smoking and Bleeding on Probing
Stress Analysis in Platform-Switching Implants: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Study
Acrylic Resin Polymerization in Direct Contact to the Abutment and the Temperature at Bone-Implant Interface: A Pilot In Vitro Study
Clinical Application of Stereolithographic Surgical Guide With a Handpiece Guidance Apparatus: A Case Report
Fixed Rehabilitation of Severely Atrophic Jaws Using Immediately Loaded Basal Disk Implants After In Situ Bone Activation
A Functional Open-Tray Impression Technique for Implant-Retained Overdenture Prostheses
Use of Plasma Rich in Growth Factor for Schneiderian Membrane Management During Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Procedure
A Technique to Facilitate the Fabrication of Provisional Restorations for ITI Solid Abutments
Influence of Etiologic Factors in Peri-Implantitis: Literature Review and Case Report
Simplistic Partially Limiting Surgical Guide for Flapless Implant Placement: A Case Report
Types of Implant Surgical Guides in Dentistry: A Review
Rehabilitation of Atrophic Posterior Maxilla With Zygomatic Implants: Review

Journal of Oral Implantology October 2012