AAOF Report Donated Orthodontic Services Is Looking for Volunteers Donated Orthodontic Services (DOS) is looking for volunteers to participate in this program. To learn about this program, please visit https://www. aaofoundation.net/charitablegiving/donated-orthodonticservices. If you decide you are interested in volunteering or have additional questions, email us at dos@aaortho.org. Thank you to those who have already volunteered through the DOS program. We appreciate your continued support. AAOF Awards Program Since the inception of the AAOF Awards Program, the AAOF has given back more than $15 million to the orthodontic specialty through research and educational support. In 2022, the AAOF Board approved funding of 26 awards equaling $409,425. Dr. Jonas Bianchi's proposal was chosen in 2022 for funding by the AAOF Board of Directors. Learn more about his project in the graphic below. Those who applied for funding for 2023 will learn if they were chosen in March. Spring 2023 PCSO Bulletin 17http://www.aaofoundation.net/charitable http://www.aaofoundation.net/charitable