FRAME STRUCTURE 1-INCH STAINLESS FRAME Beam (In Feet) 1-frame 2-frame 3-frame 4-frame 5-frame OPTIONS » Bimini Rigid supports (one pair) Through-bolt mounts Severe angle mounts Dog-leg frame Split mount Grab rail 1 hr. 0.75 hr. 2 hrs. 0.5 hr. 0.75 hr. 0.5 hr. *** SEE CONSIDERATIONS ON PAGE 26. NOTE: These times include the design, bending, assembly and installation of the frame onto the boat. They do not include any of the options listed, nor do they include any actual fi t of the top. 7' 1.5 hrs. 2 hrs. 2.5 hrs. 3 hrs. 3.5 hrs. 9' 1.5 hrs. 2.25 hrs. 2.75 hrs. 10.5' 1.75 hrs. 2.5 hrs. 3 hrs. 3.25 hrs. 3.5 hrs. 3.75 hrs. 4 hrs. 13.5' 2.5 hrs. 4 hrs. 5 hrs. 5 hrs. 6 hrs. ATTACHED BIMINI Beam (In Feet) 1-frame 2-frame 3-frame 4-frame OPTIONS Beam (In Feet) Attachment using Zipper and Keder Straps (one pair) 7' 1 0.5 hr. For odd-shaped arch: Add 1.5 hrs. ZIPPER POCKETS Beam (In Feet) 1-frame 2-frame 3-frame 7' 0.5 hr. 1 hr. 1.5 hrs. OPTIONS Zipper Walk-Through Front Panel Clear Insert Straps (one pair) 2 hrs. 3 hrs. 0.5 hr. *** SEE CONSIDERATIONS ON PAGE 26. NOTE: An attached bimini is any top supported by framework and attached to either the boat, a radar arch or another top at one end. A convertible top is any top supported by framework that attaches to a windshield on the front edge. Times and materials listed are for a base product with no zipper pockets, enclosure zippers, or any options. This does not include convertible tops. These times are for the canvas top only; they do not include manufacturing the frame or installing the frame on the boat. 9' 1.25 10.5' 1.5 13.5' 1.75 7' 4.5 hrs. 7 hrs. 8 hrs. 9 hrs. 9' 5 hrs. 7 hrs. 8 hrs. 9.5 hrs. 10.5' 5.5 hrs. 9.5 hrs. 10.5 hrs. 12 hrs. 13.5' 7 hrs. 12.5 hrs. 14 hrs. 16 hrs. 9' 11' 0.5 hr. 1 hr. 1.5 hrs. 0.75 hr. 1.25 hrs. 1.75 hrs. 13+ 0.75 hr. 1.25 hrs. 1.75 hrs. » Attached Bimini and Enclosure | 27