MOORING / TRAVEL / WINTER COVER Length (In Feet) 9' 15' 18' 21' 24' 27' 30' 30'+ » Mooring Cover 2 widths of fabric 6 hrs. 7 hrs. 8 hrs. 9 hrs. 10 hrs. 11 hrs. 12 hrs. 13 hrs. + 3 widths of fabric 12 hrs. 13 hrs. 14 hrs. 15 hrs. 16 hrs. 17 hrs. 18 hrs. 19 hrs. + 4 widths of fabric 14 hrs. 15 hrs. 16 hrs. 17 hrs. 18 hrs. 19 hrs. 20 hrs. 20 hrs. + OPTIONS Length (In Feet) 9' REINFORCING PATCH Small Medium Large » Travel/Storage Cover CUTOUT Easy Diffi cult Mooring pole assembly 0.25 hr. 0.5 hr. 1 hr. 0.5 hr. 1.5 hr. 0.25 hr. Pulpit and bow rail 3 hrs. Bow rail only Fitted panel Tie Straps (per strap) » Winter Cover 2 hrs. 1.5 hrs. 0.25 hr. *** SEE CONSIDERATIONS ON PAGE 26. NOTE: Mooring and travel covers cover the entire boat all the way to the rub rail. A mooring cover, however, usually is fastened with fasteners, while a travel cover attaches via a drawstring and tie-downs. The basic times do not include any of the options listed. FLYBRIDGE COVER Length (In Feet) 8' width 10' width 15' width 20' width OPTIONS Length (In Feet) Fitted and Shaped Panels Mooring Pole Assembly CUTOUT Easy Medium Diffi cult REINFORCING PATCH Small Medium Large VENTURI STYLE Easy Medium Diffi cult *** SEE CONSIDERATIONS ON PAGE 26. | 31 6' 5 hrs. 6 hrs. 7.5 hrs. 9 hrs. 9' 6.5 hrs. 7.5 hrs. 9 hrs. 10.5 hrs. 12' 8 hrs. 9 hrs. 10.5 hrs. 12 hrs. 15' 9 hrs. 10.5 hrs. 12 hrs. 14 hrs. 18' 10 hrs. 12 hrs. 14 hrs. 16 hrs. 1.5 hrs. 0.25 hr. 2.5 hrs. 3 hrs. 4 hrs. 0.5 hr. 1.25 hrs. 2.25 hrs. 0.25 hr. 0.5 hr. 1 hr. 2 hrs. 3 hrs. 4 hrs. NOTE: Flybridge covers are storage covers for when the boat is not in use. They cover the entire fl ybridge and often use the same hardware as an enclosure. These covers can often have more of a complex shape due to railings and windshields. The basic times do not include any of the options listed.