ADDITIONAL COVERS CONTINUED BASIC INSTRUMENT COVER Small Medium Large COMPANIONWAY COVER Small Medium Large Extra large WINCH COVER Small Medium Large Extra large PEDESTAL COVER Small Medium Large Extra large HOURS 1 hr. 2 hrs. 3 hrs. 1 hr. 2 hrs. 3 hrs. 3.5 hrs. MAST BOOT Small HOURS 1.25 hrs. Medium Large JIB BAG Small Medium Large Extra large 1 hr. 1.25 hrs. 1.5 hrs. 1.75 hrs. 1.5 hrs. 2.25 hrs. 3 hrs. 4.5 hrs. WEATHER CURTAINS/LEE CLOTH Life-line panels Lace or snap-on Pocket and bar NOTE: Add time for horizontal curves. 1.5 hrs. 2 hrs. 2 hrs. 2.5 hrs. 3.5 hrs. 4 hrs. 0.5 hr. 1 hr. 1 hr. SAIL COVER Length (In Feet) OPTIONS Cutout Vang skirt Closed end on boom Winch boot REINFORCING PATCH Small Medium Large *** SEE CONSIDERATIONS ON PAGE 26. 6' 4 hrs. 9' 4.5 hrs. 0.75 hr. 1-2.5 hrs. 0.5 hr. 0.75 hr. 0.25 hr. 0.5 hr. 1 hr. NOTE: This sail cover is fastened in the front by a zipper and has fasteners along its lower border. The material may be cut out of a width of fabric (which is fl ipped over for the other half of the sail cover). Headboard reinforcing is included in the times. The basic times do not include the options listed. 12' 5 hrs. 15' 5.25 hrs. 18' 5.5 hrs. 24' 5.75 hrs. 24'+ 7 hrs. TRACK Length (In Feet) 8' Straight 1 hr. Simple Curve/Bend Tight Curve/Bend using heat Aluminum Track Caulking and Sealing *** SEE CONSIDERATIONS ON PAGE 26. 34 Marine Fabricator | January/February 2023 1.25 hrs. 1.5 hrs. 0.75 hr. (Add to the above times.) 0.25 hr. NOTE: Installation of track on boat with one person. Times are based on 8' section. The times consider set-up time on boat.