Built-in Accessibility: * g: 1000 allows historical to a SD card micro SD The single top-side latch on every I/O module provides free and clear access to the latching mechanism when adding/ removing I/O modules. * The pivoting wire cover on each I/O module displays the wire label in any position so it's visible at all times. * A fulcrum lever is designed into every I/O module for easy terminal block removal. Slim Stackable Design: The super slim form factor requires minimal panel space (approximately 8.9" for a fully-expanded 8 module system) and the stackable design allows for simple I/O expansion. Multiple Wiring Options: Choose from spring clamp, screw terminal or the popular ZipLink wiring solution for your I/O wiring needs. Spring Clamp Screw Terminal Modbus® ASCII Research, price, buy at: ansion: dd up to 8 I/O modules to the Productivity1000 PLC for a total of ete I/O points or 32 analog I/O channels. Several I/O modules are to choose from: screte * Temperature nalog *theRelay #1 value in automation * See our Web site for details and restrictions. © Copyright 2015 AutomationDirect, Cumming, GA USA. All rights reserved. www.Productivity1000.com 1-800-633-0405 www.AutomationDirect.comhttp://www.Productivity1000.com http://www.automationdirect.com http://www.AutomationDirect.com