RELIABILITY STRATEGIES Fig. 3. Pay Attention to Particulates in Lubricants Gearbox Failures 14 Millions of Cycles to Failure 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Particle Size Removed (Microns) Tiny 3-µm particles cause more damage than 40-µm and 10-µm particles (Reference: A Study by Dr. P. B. McPherson) Research was performed to determine which particles caused the greatest damage. It wasn't the 40-µm particles or the 10-µm particles, it was the tiny 3-µm particles (see Fig. 3). According to Tranter, personnel may think that if they can't see water in oil then the oil must be fine. Sadly, that is not correct (see Fig. 4). By the time water can be seen in the oil, the life of the bearing has been halved. "We REVOLUTIONARY VIBRATION AND BEARING ANALYSIS Leonova Diamond is the latest proof of our commitment to developing first class condition monitoring products for more profi table maintenance. Use SPM HD for accurate rolling element bearing analysis. Reduce data collection time with tri-axial vibration measurements. Add balancing, laser alignment, orbit analysis and much more, all in a rugged and lightweight instrument. An intrinsically safe version of Leonova Diamond is also available. For a total Condition Monitoring package, contact us today! Tel. 1-800-505-5636 MAY 2017 MAINTENANCETECHNOLOGY.COM | 25 http://www.MAINTENANCETECHNOLOGY.COM