Fa Fr in transparency update AT PRESS TIME, CAI learned that Freddie Mac had announced they are taking a step towards transparency by creating eligibility statuses and expanding access to information about condominium projects that are eligible and ineligible for mortgage loan purchases, along with guidance as to action necessary to make the project eligible. Beginning February 26, Freddie Mac will have an " ineligible " status for condominium projects that do not meet the Freddie Mac requirements and will allow board members and their managing agent a process to inquire about the status of the condominium project. If the project is ineligible, Freddie Mac will provide specifi c information about ineligibility allowing the condominium board and management to appeal the status. CAI will continue to monitor this important update and provide more information in the coming months. A COPY OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT CAN BE FOUND HERE HTTPS://FREDDIEMAC.GCS-WEB.COM/NODE/28071/PDF 22 CONDOMEDIA January 2024