Being First Means Doing Something No One Else Has Ever Done Before... We Do That A Lot. We have a long history of advancing Endotoxin and Glucan testing technologies that make a difference. A History Of Firsts! 1st To Introduce An Animal Free, Recombinant LAL Reagent 1st Large Scale IVF Program To Introduce Horseshoe Crabs Into The Wild 1st To Establish BET Contract Testing Services 1st BET Company Licensed By FDA Advance your laboratory 's Endotoxin and Glucan detection capabi litie s into 1st place today. www. ac c iu s a . c om * 8 8 8 . 3 9 5 . 2 2 2 1 Associates of Cape Cod, Inc. Your Endotoxin & Glucan Experts Associates of Cape Cod, Inc. - a Seikagaku Group Company MKT#21-076