Green Roofs - Living Architecture Monitor - Fall 2008 - (Page 8)
STRATA AUSTIN’S HOTSPOT FOR HABITAT The City of Austin’s award-winning green roof earned another accolade recently as officials from the National Wildlife Federation (nwf) declared Austin’s City Hall a “Certified Wildlife Habitat” this past summer. Nothing could please Eleanor McKinney of Eleanor H. McKinney Landscape Architect, Inc. more. She worked in partnership with Carolyn Kelley, Carolyn Kelley Landscape Architect, to extrapolate on design architect Antoine Predock’s sketches of the diverse ecosystems of Travis County. The resulting design of the 12,000square-foot green roof reflected this vision through a native plant palette including Mature Live Oaks and other native Texas shade trees earned the McKinney and Kelley an Award of Excellence from Green Roofs for Healthy Cities last May in the Intensive/Institutional category. (To read profiles of all the 2008 Awards of Excellence winners, please see our website as well as the last issue of the Living Architecture Monitor, Summer 2008). The nwf found that Austin’s City Hall – a leed® gold-level certified building – has provided valuable habitat for songbirds, butterflies and other wildlife since its installation in 2004 and the certification makes Austin the first city hall in Texas to receive habitat certification. D 8 LIVING ARCHITECTURE MONITOR FALL
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Green Roofs - Living Architecture Monitor - Fall 2008