BLACKS IN GREEN (BIG ) ™ BLACKS IN GREEN (BIG™ serves as a bridge and catalyst among communities and their stakeholders in the design and development of green, self-sustaining, mixed-income, walkable-villages in communities owned and populated by African Americans. Founded in 2007 as a national network, they are based in Chicago's West Woodlawn neighborhood, headquartered since October 2019 at the very first Green Living Room™ ~ on the South Lakefront "Cottage Grove Culture Corridor" in the Obama Presidential District. Social enterprises currently in development in their system are: BIG CLEAN POWER™ BIG URBAN HOMESTEADS™ BIG BUSINESS BACK OFFICE SERVICES™ BIG BOTANIC GARDENS & FARMS™ BIG TREASURE TOURS™ BLACK URBAN POLICY & PLANNING™ installation * maintenance * design consulting * hardscaping furnishings * custom fabrications * rooftop farming systems LIVINGARCHITECTUREMONITOR.COM LIVING ARCHITECTURE MONITOR / FALL 2020 / 5 http://www.LIVINGARCHITECTUREMONITOR.COM