" THE FINANCIAL DATA LEARNED FROM THE DISTRICT HOUSE OMNI GREEN ROOF IS PUSHING THE INDUSTRY FORWARD. WE NOW KNOW IN PLAIN DOLLARS AND CENTS THE SPECIFIC VALUE-ADD THAT THE MARKETPLACE PUTS ON A GREEN ROOF. AND IT'S HUGE! QUALITY GREEN ROOFS INCREASE MARKET VALUE AND PROPERTY VALUE. PERIOD. " MOLLY MEYER OMNI ECOSYSTEMS CEO AND FOUNDER now maintains a biodiverse wildflower meadow on the upper roof as well as seeded lawns on lower terraces. Overall, the average growing media depth is 6 inches with a total area of more than 9,000 square feet. The meadow mix incorporates a variety of native plants that provide habitat for local pollinators, some thought to be long gone from the region. Additional environmental benefits are derived from the cooling effect of the green roof on the surrounding area. The critical take-away is that the market value of the green roof units far exceeded the cost of the green roof. In this case by over three times! This project is proof positive that green roofs are good for people, the planet, and the pocketbook. Photo courtesy Martin Peters LIVING ARCHITECTURE MONITOR / WINTER 2020 / 12 Nicole E. Davis is the Director of Marketing for Omni-Ecoysystems and can be reached at ndavis@omniecosystems.com LIVINGARCHITECTUREMONITOR.COMhttp://www.LIVINGARCHITECTUREMONITOR.COM