OSPE - The Partnership Guide 2021 - 22
Highlights of OSPE's
Advocacy Work
'Crisis in Ontario's
Engineering Labour Market'
Creating Opportunities
for International Engineering
Graduates (IEGs)
OSPE is Born
Advocacy for
Engineers, by Engineers
OSPE creates its first advocacy
plan, in consultation with over
100 engineers from across Ontario.
OSPE's Classroom to Career report
details employment barriers for new
Canadian IEGs and proposes solutions
to improve engineering labour market
conditions. Canada's Minister of Industry
publicly recognizes the report as an
essential contribution to the federal
Supporting the Elliot
Lake Commission
OSPE's Political Action
Network (PAN) is Born
OSPE establishes PAN which
connects member volunteers with
elected officials to share insights
and carry OSPE's key messages.
Initiatives to Improve Engineering
Working Conditions
Supported by over 2,800 engineers,
OSPE's Women in Engineering Advisory
Committee publishes key insights detailing
the 'good, bad, and ugly' of engineering
working conditions.
Here We Grown Again
The Government of Ontario makes
significant investments in OSPE, with
two programs to support training on
innovative technologies and to
encourage hiring and retention of
international engineering graduates.
OSPE was granted formal standing to
review all confidential inquiry submissions
and witness accounts and then invited to
Ottawa to present its views at the Elliot Lake
Commission of Inquiry.
Introducing Engineering
Employment Events (E3s)
Working to address the engineering un(der)
employment issue, OSPE establishes E3s to
connect engineering talent with employers.
OSPE Drives Regional
Transit Planning Decisions
OSPE's Infrastructure Task Force
members provide key input on the
Metrolinx " Big Move " plan for the GTHA,
Ontario's northern Ontario multimodal
transportation strategy, and Canada's
national transit strategy.
OSPE's Wind and the
Electrical Grid Report Blows
Media and Politicians Away
On TVO's The Agenda, OSPE reveals
major engineering concerns with wind
turbines and the design of Ontario's
power system. The Ministry of Energy
adopts 13 of OSPE's 19 recommendations,
saving ratepayers hundreds of millions of
dollars per year.
With more than 33% of engineering
graduates working in jobs that do not
necessarily require a post-secondary
degree, OSPE's report is the focus of
political and media attention, including
a primetime CBC radio segment with
Engineers Demand to be
Involved in Developing Ontario's
Climate Change Action Plan
Issuing two open letters to
Premier Wynne and Minister
Murray, OSPE successfully
secures an engineer on Ontario's
Climate Action Group.
OSPE Releases Groundbreaking
Study on Excess Soil
OSPE, with industry partners,
determines that the province
could save $1 billion per year
treating construction site excess
soil as a resource instead
of waste.
Energy Report Reveals Billion
Dollar Engineering Opportunity
Driving days of media coverage
and debate at Queen's Park,
OSPE's report garnered front-page
headlines, communicating the
value of engineering to an
audience of millions.
OSPE advises on
Stormwater Infrastructure
OSPE, Residential Construction Council
of Ontario and Ontario
Sewer and Watermain Construction
Association partner to produce a study
which reveals an estimated
$1.2 billion is needed to replace
stormwater infrastructure in six
focus municipalities for the long-term
protection of property and public
health and safety.
OSPE - The Partnership Guide 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of OSPE - The Partnership Guide 2021
Table of Contents
OSPE - The Partnership Guide 2021 - Cover
OSPE - The Partnership Guide 2021 - Table of Contents
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