Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2012 - (Page 1)
Ryerson University Magazine is published twice a year for alumni and friends by University Advancement. Reproduction, republication or distribution of content and photographs is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of the editor. Vice-President: Adam B. Kahan executiVe editor: Bruce Piercey editor: Colleen Mellor AssociAte editor: Andy Lee design: Wendy Schroder PhotogrAPhy: Dave Upham editoriAL BoArd: Ruth Abbott, Tyler Forkes, Cheryl Hanson, Meredith Jordan, Pamela Shanks, Aisha Wickham Thomas contAct: Ryerson University Magazine University Advancement Ryerson University 350 Victoria St., Toronto, ON CANADA M5B 2K3 Phone: 416-979-5000 ext. 7000 Fax: 416-979-5166 Email: ryemag@ryerson.ca Web: ryerson.ca/alumni/magazine MeMBer: Council of Ontario Universities (COU), Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), and Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) © 2012 Ryerson University ISSN: 1713-627X • Published January 2012 PuBLicAtions AgreeMent nuMBer: 40065112
PriVAcy PoLicy:
Ryerson University respects your privacy. On graduation, Ryerson will continue to hold your contact and certain other information so that we can contact alumni from time to time to offer the benefits of our affinity programs, to provide information about social, career and educational programs, to allow alumni to keep current on university developments, alumni associations, events and programs and Alumni Achievement Awards, and to facilitate alumni participation in Ryerson University alumni activities. Ryerson discloses your personal contact information to outside organizations or agencies, such as mailing houses or telephone services, to enable them to contact alumni on behalf of Ryerson and its affinity partners but ensures it has entered into confidentiality agreements with those outside organizations so that alumni personal information is kept confidential. ryerson does not rent, trade or sell its mailing or telephone lists. The university periodically contacts alumni by phone or mail about affinity programs and/or fundraising initiatives. If you would like us to refrain from contacting you and/or discontinue your free subscription to the magazine, please email aluminfo@ryerson.ca or call 1-866-428-8881. Also see “Privacy of Personal Information”: ryerson.ca/studentguide/Introduction2.html
table of contents
Psychology's Janice Kuo and colleagues are advancing the understanding of mental health.
W I N T E R 2012
cover story
12 MAd worLd In a world stressed by financial meltdowns, family pressures and massive change, Ryerson researchers are investigating mental health and well-being By Dana Yates
in every issue
3 President's MessAge A healthy community showcAse TIFF at Ryerson gouLd street Highlights, photos and what’s next at Ryerson 4 6
feature s
20 diVersity diVidends New research chief Wendy Cukier spearheads initiative to advance diversity in top ranks By Dana Yates 22 Power triP Centre for Urban Energy researchers collaborate to develop clean and green technologies for the city By Sharon Aschaiek 25 ALuMni ProfiLes BRUCE MCCUAIG champions public transit while planning a regional system for the future JASON LIM changed his life to become an environmental entrepreneur JESSICA MCDONALD works with San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s dream collection
19 BoArd Q & A 15 minutes with Robert Richards, Board of Governors member 28 VP ViewPoint/ALuMni diAry News and events from alumni groups 33 in My oPinion Michael Pihach argues for school clubs that can save lives 34 cLAss notes Updates from alumni 44 reMeMBer when? A look back into Ryerson’s history
This magazine is available as an accessible PDF at www.ryerson.ca/alumni/magazine/winter12.pdf
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2012
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2012
President's Message
Gould Street
Mad World
Board Q & A
Diversity Dividends
Power Trip
Alumni Profiles
VP Viewpoint/Alumni Diary
In My Opinion
Class Notes
Remember When?
Ryerson Alumni - Winter 2012