Ryerson Faculty of Science - 5th Anniversary - 19

Dr. Andriy Miranskyy
brings 17 years of
industry experience
to Ryerson


Shifting from
to Academia

Dr. Andriy Miranskyy

Faculty of Science

Department of
Computer Science


"Ryerson's focus on applied
research and entrepreneurship
enables my research program -
because my core research
area strongly benefits from
industry collaboration."

industry-relevant and collaborative approach.
As a former software developer who joined the
Computer Science department as a professor
in 2014, Miranskyy brought 17 years of software
engineering experience in information
management and pharmaceutical industries
to the job. His last private sector job was
developing software for IBM Canada.
Since coming to Ryerson, Miranskyy has
deftly applied his career experience, in lecture
halls and forging new research collaborations.
His research interests include mitigating risk
in software engineering, quality assurance,
big data, and "green IT"; and already he has
contributed to several notable projects.
In 2016, for example, Miranskyy led a project
in partnership with Southern Ontario Smart
Computer Information Platform (SOSCIP)
and IBM Canada among other collaborators to
help power generation companies to accurately
make predictions of energy consumption
(leading to reduction of infrastructure cost)
while ensuring consumers' privacy.
Recently Miranskyy also collaborated
with cyber security company eSentire to
provide analytics to reduce the length and
impact of cyber attacks. "These days, internet
connections are fast and you can copy large
amounts of data in very little time," he explains.
"That's why it's important to detect threats as
early as possible before the damage is done."
He inspires his students too. In 2015, Zainab
Al-Zanbouri, then completing her master's
degree under Miranskyy's supervision, was the
runner up in the Ryerson 2015 3-Minute Thesis
(3MTĀ®) Competition after presenting her thesis
research on green and sustainable computing.
Through his teaching, publications, grants,
awards and international collaboration,
Miranskyy is helping to promote Ryerson as a
vibrant research centre.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Faculty of Science - 5th Anniversary

Table of Contents
Ryerson Faculty of Science - 5th Anniversary - Cover1
Ryerson Faculty of Science - 5th Anniversary - Cover2
Ryerson Faculty of Science - 5th Anniversary - Table of Contents
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Ryerson Faculty of Science - 5th Anniversary - A1
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