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Audio version

On experience:
What hiring executives are looking for.
p. 12

International growth:
New academic agreements in China and India.
p. 15


Alumni Sponsorship Program

Industry relations take flight, connecting grads to future careers

Rite of passage: After one’s first solo flight is a dip in the C-FTUB.

IN JUNE, SENECA’S SCHOOL OF AVIATION opened the doors of its Peterborough Campus for the Aviation Career Expo, an event supported by the Alumni Sponsorship Program.

Flight students had the opportunity to showcase their talents, learn from peers and connect with Aviation Program Advisory Committee (PAC) members and industry affiliates from Air Georgian, Flight Safety International and Charter Air Transportation Services Inc.

Work during co-op placements was exhibited, demonstrating the value of experiences gained through time spent in industry settings. As well, a competition took place where fourth-year students had three minutes to present their thesis research to a panel of experts, including PAC members and alumni Steve Linthwaite (Jazz Aviation), Piyush Gandhi (Porter Airlines), Karen Deme (Bombardier) and Joe Zigrossi (Global Aerospace).

Thesis topics included expanding drug and alcohol policies for pilots and introducing scenario-based training earlier in the Flight training curriculum. The winning presentation, by Sailesh Varsani, focused on methods of noise abatement for Seneca’s flight operations at Peterborough Airport.

“As an alumnus, I know how important events like this are for students,” says Joe Zigrossi. “It’s their opportunity to meet potential employers and network with industry insiders. I also thought the thesis presentations were well-researched, concisely delivered and indicative of the high standards expected from Seneca’s aviation students.”

One of the day’s highlights was the presentation of the Jazz Aviation Pathway Awards, which consist of a $3,000 scholarship and an opportunity to participate as a cadet in the Jazz Aviation Pathway program. Third-year Bachelor of Aviation Technology students Philippe Gagne and Claire Orban were the honoured recipients for their contributions to safety, leadership and professionalism within the program.

The Aviation Career Expo served as a great platform for future graduates to launch exciting careers and navigate the world of aviation, guided by leaders in the industry.

Take a 360-degree tour of Seneca’s flight facilities in Peterborough:

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