installed for each lift. After the lift is stabilized with the soil nails, the entire subsequent lift is excavated for the installation of each subsequent row of soil nails and the process is repeated for each level. Considering the proximity of the existing foundation and building structure, construction sequencing was crucial to mitigate soil loss and disturbance. Shallow lifts, limited to 4 ft (1.2 m), were maintained during excavation, sequencing the excavation of short and precise spans of soil nail rows to limit the time for soil to be open cut. The soil nail installation sequencing was more important in areas of concern where the soil nail wall beneath existing footings was in close proximity. Additionally, in soil, the contractor used rotary duplex drilling methods (casing and drill string) to reduce ground loss. In rock, the casing was seated into rock Shotcrete installation Elevation data of existing structure behind soil nail wall through the monitoring program Considering the proximity of the existing foundation and building structure, construction sequencing was crucial to mitigate soil loss and disturbance. DEEP FOUNDATIONS * JULY/AUG 2023 * 83