WE'RE COMPLICIT IN KEEPING UP FACADES (AND WE'RE NOT APOLOGIZING FOR IT) As we all know, a multi-story century-old brick facade with no building behind it is not going to be the most steady structure. The possibility of vibrations strikes fear in any sensible person. Enter - HELICAL PILES. As part of the West End Ironworks redevelopment project in Ithaca, NY, a new 5-story building is being built behind the historic facade of a former iron foundry. CMI Structural Solutions installed 4.92 MILES of 5.5 " IDEAL helical piles for this 110,000 square foot building and the brick went unscathed. Read more about it at https://bit.ly/helicalironworks If you have delicate projects like this in your pipeline, do yourself a favor and reach out to the IDEAL Design Team and see how we can help you save time and money without having a historic structure collapse on you. We promise you won't regret it. Give us a call at 585-872-7190 or text us at 631-597-8910 Credit: https://eca-pc.com/https://www.idealfoundationsystems.com/keeping-up-a-facade-ithaca-ny/ https://www.bit.ly/helicalironworks https://www.eca-pc.com/