www.ykkap.com 1701 Rhode Island Avenue - Washington D.C. YCW 750 SSG Field/Stick Built 2 and 4-Sided Structural Silicone Glazed Curtain Wall System The popular YCW 750 family of products has been expanded to include 4-side structural silicone glazing. This stick built system setup is designed for glazing in the field for easy installation. A variety of mullion depths are available as options to meet different performance requirements. 1 " & 1/4 " glazing (with adaptor) is available for 2-sided while 1 " glazing for 4-sided as a system standard.* *Other custom glazing/framing solutions may be available. Designs must be reviewed by YKK AP engineering for size and weight based on the project. * 4-Sided captured (YCW 750 OG/IG) integration options with SSG * Accomodates splayed wall designs * 90° inside and outside corners * Sealant is used by default and 3M® Configuration: Glazing SSG Thermal Values: U-Factor: CRF: VHB® Structural Glazing Tape is an alternative 3M and VHB is a registered trademark of 3M CORPORATION Glass Setting Front Set Installation Shear Block Values as low as 0.30* Minimum 74frame and 68glass *Based on AAMA 507. Lower values may be achieved through further simulation.http://www.ykkap.com