www.ykkap.com GA State College of Law - Atlanta, GA YCW 750 XT IG Advanced Thermal Performing Inside Glazed Curtain Wall System Engineered to meet and exceed the most stringent green building codes and standards, the YCW 750 XT IG is an inside glazed high performace curtain wall system utilizing MegaTherm® thermal struts for superior energy efficiency. The insulating glass rests on integrated structural supports, diverting the dead load away from the thermal barriers ensuring long-term structural integrity. * Integrates with a building's air-vapor barrier system * Dual finish capability for different exterior and interior colors * Optional intergreal thermally broken sill flashing available * Outside Glazed horizontal options when Inside Glazing cannot be done * Optional SSG Vertical Mullion for 2-sided SSG applications Configuration: Glazing Inside Thermal Values: U-Factor: CRF: Glass Setting Front Set Installation Shear Block Values as low as 0.21* Minimum 78frame and 72glass *Based on NFRC 100. Lower values may be achieved through further simulation.http://www.ykkap.com