YHC 300 OG Curtain Wall System Impact Applications: YHC 300 OG Florida Size Limitations D.L.O. 5'-0 " CL Mullion EndAnchors CL 5'-0 " CL Themaximum*twin span of 28'-6 " hasa reinforcement sleeve, E1-3030, attached at midpoint. Reinforcement is anchored with windload or deadload anchors midway. 5'-0 " CL *Maximum anodized length is 24'-0 " . Midspan reinforcement 5'-0 " CL CL 5'-0 " CL 5'-0 " CL WL WL WL WL WL WL Reinforcement Mullion EndAnchors TWIN SP AN SINGLE SP AN Forcontinuousmullions with either twin spansor unequal spans with uniformly distributed load on multiple anchors, consult YKK AP. Effective Date: April 19, 2024 | 04-1009-08 Page-45 13'-6 " 13'-6 " D.L.O. 27'-0 " 13'-6 "