INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS State by State Texas Travis County Judge Jan Soifer issued an injunction barring state officials from enforcing a notice saying delta-8 THC products are considered controlled substances. The injunction comes after Hometown Hero CBD filed a lawsuit arguing that Texas health officials didn't follow the correct procedures to initiate the change in the controlled substances list. Delta-8 THC consumers and sellers in Texas widely believed that delta-8 had been legal since it ramped up in popularity about two years ago. But official state documents show that the Texas health department listed the product on its controlled substance list in January 2021. Vermont Cannabis regulators decided against more restrictive product warning labels and a THC potency cap advocated by a state doctors group. The Vermont Medical Society recently urged the state Cannabis Control Board and lawmakers to require warnings that THC might cause psychosis, impaired driving, addiction and harm to fetuses. The group also wanted to prohibit any products with more than 15% THC, a drastic cut from the 30% allowed under the recreational marijuana law. The Vermont Cannabis Control Board opted to stick with warnings recommended by its public health subcommittee and not overload labels with additional information.