Details are sketchy, but the legislation will reportedly include a provision for municipalities to opt out of the medical marijuana program. A measure of some sort likely will pass this year, given that voters approved medical cannabis legalization at the polls in 2020. NORTH CAROLINA Proposal: Medical Bill(s): North Carolina Compassionate Care Act (2021-22 session, Senate Bill 711). Key backers: Sens. Bill Rabon, Michael Lee and Paul Lowe Regulators would issue 10 medical marijuana " supplier " licenses. Each license holder could open up to four dispensaries. Medical cannabis legislation has about a 50-50 chance of passing in 2022. RHODE ISLAND Proposal: Recreational Bill(s): Cannabis Authorization, Regulation and Taxation Act of 2021 (SB 568). Gov. Dan McKee proposed a separate plan. Key backers: Sens. Michael McCaffrey and Josh Miller The state Senate bill emphasizes craft cultivation licenses and policies that would promote social equity. The governor's plan would have set aside five of 25 retail licenses for minority applicants. Rhode Island has a strong chance of passing recreational marijuana legislation in 2022 or 2023. SOUTH CAROLINA Proposal: Medical Bill(s): South Carolina Compassionate Care Act (2021-22 session, S. 150 and H. 3361) Key backers: Sen. Tom Davis and Rep. Bill Herbkersman Regulators would issue 15 cultivation and 30 processing licenses plus one dispensary permit for every 20 pharmacies in the state. MMJ legislation has about a 50-50 chance of passing in 2022. Additional reporting by Jenel SteltonHoltmeier. Jeff Smith covers regulatory issues and government for MJBizDaily. You can reach him at jeff.smith@ HC's start to finish containers for cannabis growers * Our resin containers are beneficial to root systems * Suitable for low- or high-density plantings both indoors and outdoors * Cost-effective * Available in many sizes, volumes, and sustainable options 800-225-7712 | Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter! For more information or to browse products, visit | January 2022 59