Filling seats on your board of directors is getting easier as industry expands C annabis companies can lure talented professionals to join their boards more easily than they could just a few years ago, experts say. Businesses in search of a new board member commonly task their own executives with filling the role or engage one of a growing number of recruitment agencies to find the right placement. Those in search of board members seek experienced individuals who align with their company's goals and strategy as well as complement current leadership. " A few years ago, not many people would want to say they're on the board of a cannabis company, " said Liesl Bernard, CEO of California-based recruiting firm CannabizTeam. " Today, it's much more of an exciting, sexy industry to be in. And the conversations are a lot easier to have with executives. They almost feel like it's a plus that they are part of the cannabis industry versus something that they would want to hide. " In January, CannabizTeam responded to client demand by launching its CT Board Placement service. The division assists clients in the cannabis industry with identifying and recruiting candidates for board of directors positions. It also helps first-time board members learn the culture and nuances July 2021 | 67