INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS Maine The Aroostook Band of Micmacs are testing hemp as a phytoremediator to clean up 600 polluted acres of land. The tribe regained the land in 2009, when the U.S. government turned over the former Loring Air Force Base to the tribe, but the soil was so polluted that it was categorized as a federal Superfund site. Many of the toxins have since been removed, but there are still concerning toxicity levels in the soil and water. A research group planted several small plots of industrial hemp fiber varieties in the polluted soil and found that concentrations decreased in the hemp plots, while chemicals accumulated in hemp plant tissue. A larger hemp crop is planned for this summer. Minnesota State medical cannabis stores will be able to sell dried marijuana flower starting March 1. Having the product on store shelves likely will provide a more affordable option to customers and could financially bolster the state's MMJ program. The smokable-flower provision was part of an omnibus health bill that Minnesota lawmakers passed last year. At the time, supporters of the change said the existing products, including cannabis oil, were too expensive. Some forms of marijuana edibles are expected to be added to the program in August.