MJBizDaily Buyers Guide Cannabis Greenhouse Components mjbizdaily.com HOW TO DESIGN AND BUILD A PROFITABLE CANNABIS GREENHOUSE There's no such thing as being too prepared when it comes to designing and building out a cannabis greenhouse facility. Once up and running, a profitable cannabis greenhouse facility successfully balances operational costs with a high-quality, uniform harvest. It's common to undermine success from the start of the project if detail isn't top of mind through each step, from design to build-out, and selecting operational components such as benching systems and environmental controls. Greenhouse cannabis producers should start with their business goals and think backwards. What do they want their brand to represent in the marketplace? " It comes down to understanding your craft and what you're going for. Knowing what you want will increase or decrease what you're going to spend on that greenhouse, " said Hamilton Nelson, a veteran cannabis producer and the sales and operation manager at Square One Starts, a hemp young plants provider in Aurora, Oregon. At an estimated $35 to $50 per square foot in upfront costs, greenhouse cannabis producers can save significant money by spending the time on a well thought-out and executed plan. The last thing a grower wants to do is retrofit their greenhouse after they built it because it doesn't work well for growing cannabis. HARNESS THE SUN'S ENERGY NATURE'S PERFECT LIGHT SOURCE GREENHOUSE STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS WITH 75 years of design experience COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION INSTALLATION SERVICES 800-377-8441 CONLEYS.COMhttp://www.mjbizdaily.com https://www.conleys.com/