7. MOTO FROM BROWN JORDAN | BROWNJORDAN .COM BOOTH #7 35 Drawing on the sleek finishes and precise lines of a motorcycle, the Moto collection is Ann Marie Vering's configurable sectional seating system. The newly added lounge chair represents a union of metal craftsmanship, clean architectural design, and deep-cushioned comfort. 8. ENTANGLED EARTH FROM DURKAN | MOHAWKGROUP.COM/ HOSPITALIT Y BOOTH #17 17 Mesh layers and delicate lines inspired by mushroom forms entwine to capture the essence of nature's intricate web, while the carpet's geometric precision and organic shapes beckon the eye to explore its details. 7 9. L I LA FROM JACLO | JACLO.COM BOOTH #2 1 05 Featuring a sleek, modern profile with a seamless flared base, Lila is available in 35-plus finishes along with a matching shower system and accessories to complete the collection. 8 9 HO S P ITA L IT YD E S I GN . COM 103http://WWW.BROWNJORDAN.COM https://www.mohawkgroup.com/hospitality https://www.mohawkgroup.com/hospitality http://www.JACLO.COM http://www.HOSPITALITYDESIGN.COM