LILLIAN PARK AS SOC I ATE , S E NIOR DES I GNER , S TANTEC ARCHIT EC TURE Personal style? Timeless: pure form, natural textures, and sunlight. What gets you excited about your job? I am passionate about curating a memorable experience for the end user and contributing to the positive growth of the community. Nothing excites me more than seeing the space being activated in real life. I can't live without: Sparkling water and lemon kombucha-my latest obsession. Dream project? I would love to collaborate with a diverse team outside of our industry to develop and build a new concept for a hotel. It would be a holistic design starting from the virtual web/app experience to sensory, dining, service, and the built environment. Favorite design tip or trick? When stuck, take a step back and observe. Designing a space is like an orchestra -does everything harmonize and unite as one? CHEEKY ARTWORK GR ACES THE LOBBY OF THE VI RG IN HOTELS NEW YORK CI T Y THE ROOF TOP POOL CLUB AT THE V I RG IN HOTELS NEW YORK CI T Y 80 FALL 2 0 2 3 PHOTOS: MICHAEL MUNDY