OPERATIONS | Sales & Marketing HIGH-PERFORMANCE audio Dealer Audio Events Deliver Unique Experiences for Music Fans How Audio Advice in N.C. and AV Therapy in N.H. fed into increased consumer appetite for today's wide-ranging listening possibilities. What do you have on top for 2023? By Arlen Schweiger & Robert Archer increased in demand thanks in part to the pandemic and people spending more time in their homes, but for a while one of the effective outlets some integrators leaned on for connecting to their customers - open-house-like dealer events - was not really an option. That's no longer the case, and both consumer audio shows and local events are music to audiophiles' ears again. Two great examples of those were hosted last year by a couple of integrators that have a history of such successful types of events, Audio Advice in Raleigh, N.C. (one of its two locations in the state) and AV Therapy in Nashua, N.H. The events highlighted a variety of products and systems, including several " once-in-a-lifetime " aspirational audio gear that just seeing and hearing made for special treats 40 | CE Pro February 2023 cepro.comhttp://www.cepro.com