SEABURY LIFE CARE COMMUNITY COUNTS ON XLERATOR® FOR HYGIENIC RESTROOMS " Combining sustainability, cost reduction, hygiene benefits and ease of use, I would definitely recommend other healthcare facilities and continuing care retirement communities use the XLERATOR. " Seabury is the first privately-owned Life Plan Community for adults 50 and over in the United States to receive a Green Globes designation. The designation is a result of Seabury's commitment to employing sustainable building practices with minimal ecological impact, including energy performance and reduction in water consumption. RICHARD HEATH CEO, SEABURY Before CEO Richard Heath made the executive decision to switch to XLERATORs, two other popular hand dryer brands had failed to meet Seabury's high standards for efficiency and user friendliness. XLERATOR Hand Dryers are now in all of Seabury's restrooms and are an important part of their mission to create a sustainable, hygienic environment for residents and staff. 844.894.5871 EXCELDRYER . COM SALES@EXCELDRYER . COM TIME TO THROW IN THE TOWEL®http://EXCELDRYER.COM http://EXCELDRYER.COM