by a dedicated theater with specialty lighting and sound. A small pool is replaced with a much larger pool with a fully accessible ramp, dedicated lap lanes, and aerobics area. The fitness space is replaced by a larger dedicated fitness room and wellness suite with more dedicated facilities and staff. The dining options add a pub, complete with bar and dedicated kitchen. The new apartments are based on the very popular original layouts with contemporary improvements and sensibility. All of this begins to shift the campus' center of gravity towards future expansion, while significantly improving the offerings for longtime residents and newcomers alike. This was made possible by a team that had maintained a relationship over the intervening years through ongoing discussions and mutual respect. This team understood the logic underpinning the original master plan and retained a willingness to incorporate that logic into the current iteration, always with an eye for what the future might hold. Nichols Village is well suited to enjoy another 15 years of success, and when the time comes, EGA looks forward to helping them decide where to go next. Building long-term relationships and shared success is enormously satisfying and Nichols Village is a perfect example of both. supplement to environments for aging | 83