THE NU WAY TO DO OLD SCHOOL NUBLEND® FLEECE Throwback styling combines with classic NuBlend® comfort in our new unisex billboard and varsity color-block hooded sweatshirts. The 50/50 cotton/polyester blend fabric resists pilling and shrinking, and the high stitch density gives you a super smooth printing surface to showcase your favorite designs. They're part of our NuBlend® Collection, offering 17 styles and 51 colors- including 10 brand new. SEE ALL 17 STYLES AT JERZEES.COM 800.321.1138 * ©2022 Russell Brands, LLC Use Info*Action #7 at Featured: 97CR - Oatmeal Heather/Mustard Heather * @JERZEESApparel 98CR - Indigo Heather/Whitehttp://www.JERZEES.COM