TECHNOLOGY FIRST Millennials want a designer who understands that a connected kitchen is essential, not optional By NKBA Research Staff H ERE'S THE THING: Millennials grew up with technology. They want it to make life easier, more convenient. But, above all, they want technology to make life more efficient. So they want the homes they buy or remodel to have a technology-first approach, especially in the all-important kitchen. This means that interior designers who want to remain relevant to this growing client base of 25- to 40-year-olds need to be knowledgeable about the integration of design and technology in the home, according to a recent micro-study that emerged from the NKBA 2022 Design Trends Report. Millennials may not currently be undertaking the most expensive kitchen renovations, but make no mistake ... they will become increasingly influential as a consumer group as their disposable income grows over the next five to 10 years. The Kitchen Technology & Millennials Report highlights several important steps designers need to take to ensure they meet the expectations of millennials, who will look to them to create a seamless merger of design and technology in the kitchen. The report is based on in-depth interviews with millennial technology design experts who identified best practices for this consumer group. LEFT Kitchen by Nahal Gamini. Photo: Vincent Lee, ishot KBBONLINE.COM 79http://www.KBBONLINE.COM