Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 34

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f you took our advice about the
best way to present your CV on
the previous page, there's every
chance you'll have bagged a job
interview - putting you a huge
step closer to your dream job.
But don't make the mistake of thinking
it's yours. You could still have any number
of rivals for the job at this stage, so do
your prep and give yourself the best
opportunity to perform perfectly.

Know the company

Get the basics right

First find out what kind of interview
it will be. Will it be a quick chat, an
hour-long interview or an all-day event?
Will you be required to demonstrate
your skills while you're there, or deliver
a presentation? It's useful to know
how many people will be interviewing
you so you can be prepared to face a
panel if necessary - the company will
normally provide this information.

Research the business to find out who
the key people are, how the organisation
is performing and how it compares
with others in the industry. Read its
website thoroughly and find reviews and
testimonials from clients if applicable.
"The biggest mistake people make
is not doing enough research," says
Karren Brady. "Look online for annual
reports. Visit the business if you can.
Find out who their competitors are.
In interviews, I always say, 'Tell me
something about my business that I don't
know.' Only 50% make it past that."

Make your tech right

If your interview includes a presentation,
make sure you're familiar with the
hardware and software: a laptop or
projector, a simple PDF or presentation
application like Microsoft PowerPoint.
Some job interviews are conducted via
apps such as Skype or Zoom, rather
than face to face - especially if the
company is a long way from you - so
make sure you've got everything
installed and ready and that you're
comfortable talking in such a situation.

Practice makes perfect

Take time to practise mock interview
questions with a friend. This will give
you a chance to prepare your answers,
and to avoid saying the wrong thing
when under pressure! If there's going
to be a panel, ask two to three friends
to sit in and ask you questions.

No blather

Don't feel the need to respond
immediately - take time to absorb
and understand the questions so that
you can compose the best answer.
And don't ramble or try to cover up a
gap in your knowledge. "If you don't
know the answer to a question, turn
it around," says Karren. "Use it as a
chance to talk about something you do
know. Say, 'I don't know the answer
to that, but what I do know is...'"

Tailor what you say

When researching the company,
formulate questions to ask during the
interview. This will also help you get
a sense of the company culture and
see if you're a good fit. You should
also re-read the job advert and match
your skills and qualifications to the job
description. If the interviewer asks you
when you have shown a particular skill
or ability, be ready to provide examples.

Make a positive impression

Use a firm handshake and make eye
contact as you talk. Be attentive and
look interested, and don't fidget or play
with your hair! Making notes during the
interview creates the impression you
are paying attention. Smile at people,
and be polite - after all, these might be
your future work colleagues. "End on a
positive note, even if it's just saying, 'It
was nice meeting you'," says Karren.

Avoid being timid

Just answering the questions and nothing
else may seem a low-risk strategy - but
the interviewer wants to know what
you're like too. "Don't be afraid to be
yourself," says Karren. "Even if you
have the skills to do a job, you need to
have the personality too. This is your
opportunity to sell yourself. Try not
to be nervous - if you explain with
confidence what you do and how you'll
fit in, very often you'll win the job."


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Jobs and Careers Spring 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jobs and Careers Spring 2020

Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 1
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 2
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 3
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 4
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 5
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 6
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 7
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 8
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 9
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 10
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 11
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 12
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 13
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 14
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 15
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 16
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 17
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 18
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 19
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 20
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 21
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 22
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 23
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 24
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 25
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 26
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 27
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 28
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 29
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 30
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 31
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Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 33
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