COVER STORY DUNCAN AVIATION how the business aviation sector has actually never been busier and what design elements are trending today. We also touch on AMT's 2021 Aircraft Paints and Coatings Survey, which launched early in 2021, asking facilities about their use of paints and coatings. AMT: Our more than 200 respondents noted that workforce availability and skill level of workers are significant concerns. Clearly, the market needs more and better-qualified and trained painters and technicians. How does a company like Sherwin-Williams view these concerns and what is the industry doing to help fill this need? Voisin: The industry has just added a training and certification program that painters can go through. This allows them to provide some skill consistency. A lot of times, WHERE INSPIRATION MEETS INNOVATION Other GSTE Testers TEAM UP with proactive Maintenance Troubleshooting Tools to keep your aircraft flying We offer a full range of Air Data Testers Our tools make your job easier when aircraft realiability matters. Intermittent Fault Detector Antenna & Coaxial Cable Analyzer Thermal Imagers & Other Testers Turbine Temperate Test Sets Sight Compass Cable Tensionsmeters Fuel quantity Test Set Nav-Aids Elta W W W . B A R F I E L D I N C . C O M GSTE@BARFIELDINC.COM 12 APRIL/MAY 2021 AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGYhttp://WWW.BARFIELDINC.COM